It's 6:30 AM. This will be my day:
1- Work. Bleh
2- Doctor's appointment. This one has me a little worried, probably for nothing.
3- Come home.
I honestly have no idea if that list will get any longer. I could use the distraction.
Yesterday, I took baby_squid's advice and went out to buy stuff just because I could. I'd called in sick since I couldn't sleep and had no intention of going into work without any sleep in me. Besides, according to my absenteeism log, I'm allowed another 30+ of absence before it becomes an issue. Working in gov't offices has perks. And hot chicks. So anyway, yeah. I went and bought $90 worth of groceries so I would stop making stuff that only involve the microwave or "just add water" instructions. khoos says I have a "boy fridge". Well, not for the next few days, I don't. Speaking of khoos, she and mydogfarted could use a little day-brightening right now. Work your magic, SG peeps.
In other news, I'm seriously considering replanning my vacation next year. It was supposed to involve a rail pass and a month's worth of traveling through Canada, but I'm debating renting a car instead and hitting the road. It gives me a lot more options to visit specific places (not to mention go to the states, where I'm befriending more and more people), and it's actually not really more expensive than the rail pass (If I shop around). So I'm brainstormng for now.
I also made a hugely important pact with BrightRedScream. She's awesome to me, and we're going to help each other out for the next little while. I demand that you show her some love, if you haven't already done so.
I still feel like I'm coming apart just a little at the seams, so keep a needle and thread handy to sew me back up.
- PG
1- Work. Bleh
2- Doctor's appointment. This one has me a little worried, probably for nothing.
3- Come home.
I honestly have no idea if that list will get any longer. I could use the distraction.
Yesterday, I took baby_squid's advice and went out to buy stuff just because I could. I'd called in sick since I couldn't sleep and had no intention of going into work without any sleep in me. Besides, according to my absenteeism log, I'm allowed another 30+ of absence before it becomes an issue. Working in gov't offices has perks. And hot chicks. So anyway, yeah. I went and bought $90 worth of groceries so I would stop making stuff that only involve the microwave or "just add water" instructions. khoos says I have a "boy fridge". Well, not for the next few days, I don't. Speaking of khoos, she and mydogfarted could use a little day-brightening right now. Work your magic, SG peeps.
In other news, I'm seriously considering replanning my vacation next year. It was supposed to involve a rail pass and a month's worth of traveling through Canada, but I'm debating renting a car instead and hitting the road. It gives me a lot more options to visit specific places (not to mention go to the states, where I'm befriending more and more people), and it's actually not really more expensive than the rail pass (If I shop around). So I'm brainstormng for now.
I also made a hugely important pact with BrightRedScream. She's awesome to me, and we're going to help each other out for the next little while. I demand that you show her some love, if you haven't already done so.
I still feel like I'm coming apart just a little at the seams, so keep a needle and thread handy to sew me back up.
- PG
If you would like mail from me - just message me with your info babe 

Oh - and you're in very good hands - don't you forget it ♥