So... My friend Tania is going out on tour again this year, and I'm switching up her web site, which will be a lot easier than last year, given the fact that the feamework is already set in place. The time consuming step this year is that I took her press photos myselfm and now I have to digitally retouch each one (as you can guess, time is one thing I do not have in abundance). The good thing is, I got some decent shots to start my photography portfolio. She has a lot of faith in me, let's hope I can get all this done in time.
More Blogs
Friday Sep 15, 2006
Here is a list of people I insist that you love. Don't question, just… -
Sunday Sep 10, 2006
I really wanna make out right now. That is all. -
Monday Sep 04, 2006
I don't know why, but I've been glued to this site lately. Saturday, … -
Sunday Aug 27, 2006
Given that I'm really busy lately, and I don't get to see many people… -
Saturday Aug 26, 2006
I was a D&D; nerd in high school. I don't buy into the online version… -
Sunday Aug 20, 2006
Allison Mack quite possibly plays the hottest geek ever on TV. If she… -
Monday Aug 14, 2006
I've been working fervently at changing things in my server the last … -
Wednesday Aug 09, 2006
Imagine a friend, someone you care about very much. Now, imagine this… -
Monday Aug 07, 2006
I'm in an ideal situation, given the circumstances. My life is unstab… -
Tuesday Aug 01, 2006
I usually hate when people fall back on lyrics to express themseves, …