I had posted this video earlier, then deleted it and posted a single line cynical entry in its place. Given the emails I've snet, and the incredibly friendly responses I've gotten, I thought I'd post it again.
It's 7 AM, and I can't stay in bed. My blood sugar is through the roof (AGAIN). That means I'm insanely tired, but it also means I have to pee every half hour, which is counter productive to trying to sleep. This disease will fucking kill me, I know it. I have too much insulin resistance, and my apetite is apparently too big for a... Read More
The Diabetes thing sucks it really does and I hope you can come up with a way to get it balanced. Weeehooo for hockey. Its kinda hard for me to get 100% into hockey when baseball is still going hehe .
Hmm what would I make you for dinner. I dunno everyone always wants me to make my Lasagna but I think I might hint around and try to get you to tell me what is your fav dish and practice making it before I have to cook it for you.
Well if I must be tasteful, I would love to see artsy pictures of you like outside with a tree whos leaves have changin colors.
*big hugs* n some smooches too
Ok, so a lowdown from the weekend. It started out rather crappy, not being able to do the simplest things on Saturday (it was an afternoon of total FAIL). I still haven't gotten that stuff done, but I'm hoping I can get some of it done form school. My printer is haunted, I swear. IF you love me and have the money to throw around,... Read More
I love my Epson photo printer... just saying Glad you liked the pictures.
He knows I'm there for him to talk to. Unfortunately I don't live near him so seeing him to cheer him up is not a possibility at this time which limits us to talking online and via phone. I don't think it's really a matter of fixing anything too soon, but rather, more trying to get him to not be so hard on himself. We all make mistakes, we ask for forgiveness (if we are apologetic for it), and then we let things progress from there. I just feel helpless where it's concerned.
I'm not all that eloquent lately, so here's a list of thngs that have happened since the beginning of 2007. Some positive, some negative.
Since the beginning of 2007, I've...
learned more about myself
left SG
returned to SG
picked up new contracts
advanced my Photoshop skills
loved and hated with equal passion. Sometimes the same people, sometimes for the same reasons.
fallen in love... Read More
I've been in a rather massive slump since Saturday. I could go into a long heartfelt rant about why, but that's not so important. The important thing is where it's led me. The last few days have been a lot about "Where is my life going?" "What am I worth? / AM I worth anything?", and I've been dealing with... Read More
I am most excited to wear my shorts. Reasoning? It means either I've gone insane and don't care anyways, or that the winter is over and it's warm again.
Short biology lesson so the rest of this blog makes sense:
I have Type 1 diabetes, for those wh don't know. Diabetes is a chronic condition where the pancreas' ability to produce ninsulin is either compromised and the insulin doesn't function properly (Type 2), or is entirely shut down (Type 1). Insulin is a hormone the body needs to metabolize carbohydrates into an energy source.... Read More
My best friend's grandma has type 1 as well. I've seen her go through many levels of high and low blood sugar levels. When it goes to far either way it does become a little frightening. I guess it's a good thing for me to learn about. You can never have too much knowledge about something.
Have you ever loved someone so much, you'd give an arm for?
Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for?
When they know they're your heart
And you know you were their armour
And you will destroy anyone who would try to harm... Read More
I haven't been eating well lately. With the stresses of school, I've always beeneating out of a ready-to-eat container, buying junk food, or eating at my parents' house, which isn't the healthiest thing. I love my mom, but she's not nearly as good of a cook as my dad would have you believe.
So last night, I made this (and I appologize to my vegetarian... Read More
I'll get to a real blog update later. For now, I'm going to take advantage of the fact that a decent nuber of people read my blog. If you ever wanted to do me a favour, now would be the time.
Go give some love and support to my best friend khoos and her love mydogfarted. He's in rough shape right now, and she... Read More
Thank you for the well wishes on the last blog post. They really meant a lot. That, and talking to some Non-SG friends all helped put things in perspective. So now that all the emo stuff is out of the way (at least for now!), some updates on my life:
The renovations of the house have begun. In a few weeks, this place will look... Read More
Tonight is a weird night. I have this strange, completely irrational feeling that a) people who say they care about me are lying to my face or b) that people I care about are moving onto bigger and better things, and that I will be left behind. This is odd for me. Being alone never scared me. I have, however, gone out of my way... Read More
I've got another confession to make
I'm your fool
Everyone's got their chains to break
Holdin' you
Were you born to resist or be abused?
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?
Are... Read More