Wow. Hello SG Land. It's been awhile. I just got hooked up at the new place with internet, so here I am. So this new place rocks. It's full of bugs and cockroaches and dampness and water and goofy stuff...but the space in the kitchen alone makes up for it. I have been cooking so much lately. Last night I made lemon bars and today I made lentil sloppy joes (yes, I've been following Veganomicon is my bible). I'm going to take a minute here to rave about that book. Veganomicon. Ohmigod. Best book ever. Everything I've made from it has been simple, awesome, and relatively cheap. It's made my transitioning to vegan go from "I'm hesitant to label myself...this is going to be hard" to "wow I've never made such delicious food in my entire life, being a vegan is the best decision I've ever made." It's also made my boyfriend go from "*sob* *sob* We used to cut up entire blocks of cheese together! You told me you were never going to go vegan! *sob* *sob*" to "This is yummy!" I have some artwork for you kiddies but it's in the car right now and I am too lazy to get it, so I'll upload it when I get back home tonight. I guess you could say I've been living the good life. Playing San Andreas a lot...I love that game. It's so deliciously tacky and tactless. I shaved part of my head. The bottom part. I don't have any good pictures because I've been lazy. I'll take some tomorrow.