I think that most doctors should go to hell. There are very few that give nurses any respect. For fuck sake, I know what a Lanoxin level is I dont need to know that it is a dig level in "nurse speak" I know what fucking Lanoxin is. Oh and I am not five, I don't need to be taught how to do things over...
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I am sorry, if it makes you feel better my job sucks too. I was gonna tell you Happy Birthday but didn't see you on aol that day. Hope you are doing well.
Fuck Dude, I miss you!
Decided to go over to the cluster fuck that is Joann fabrics. Stood in line for a grand total of two and a half hours. Woo Hoo!! I guess you'll do anything to save a little money.
Found out I am allergic to corn chowder. I was at work and had some. About 20 minutes later, I started sneezing, my eyes started watering, and my...
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Found out I am allergic to corn chowder. I was at work and had some. About 20 minutes later, I started sneezing, my eyes started watering, and my...
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lol corn chowder eh? What an odd thing to be allergic to! I am allergic to cranberries, that one is sorta weird
Sorry you had that allergic reaction, but I guess it's better to find out that you are allergic that way rather than eat lots of it and end up being IN a hospital bed
I am convinced that it is something in this town that makes everyone sick..maybe it's just because it sucks so much here? Or maybe it was just the weather we had this last week..who knows?
Hope you feel better soon and have fun in Denver

I am convinced that it is something in this town that makes everyone sick..maybe it's just because it sucks so much here? Or maybe it was just the weather we had this last week..who knows?
Hope you feel better soon and have fun in Denver

This weekend was the worst weekend ever. Started out OK, but went downhill fast. Went to Boulder on friday and got insanely drunk.. most of that night I don't remember. Except for some homeless guy that was starting a band called Percussion of Mass Destruction. Brina, who was drunk as hell, gave the guy 20 bucks and he played us a shitty song on his...
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heh, well then at least they approach you with warrant
Hope you're doing better today

Hope you're doing better today
New man issue... so this other guy I have known for about a year is upset with me for some reason or another. Actually, I probably know the reason. When I met this guy, he told me that we should hang out sometime.. so I went and had coffee with him and all he could talk about was that he wanted to have sex with...
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It sucks that some people can't get over themselves. I wish I could tell you where some good places to go are but I haven't been in the springs much for the last four years. The bar I used to hang out at turned into a gay bar. I've been goig there since I was like 10 years old to watch my brothers bands and shit. However I will be returning the the Springs permanently in december. try manitou springs, the bars there are usually ok, and the people there are usually pretty cool.
Hmmm that guy is STILL running into you everywhere you go? That's sorta...convenient(?) on his part! You should go to different bars or something. Where do you usually go? This town has TONS of bars..there's bound to be at least one that you would enjoy that he doesn't go to.
The Grudge fuckin freaks me out... damn I screamed so many times tonight I dont even know what to do. I am such an idiot. It's all good though, sat next to some nurses. Brina yelled at some high school asshole to shut up (hillarious). Oh yeah and if you see it, the part where that one guy is saying yoko, well Brina and I...
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Fort Carson = Worst day ever
Since when did I become pregnancy counselor to underage girls? I have been a magnet today for pregnancy questions from girls that really should be sterilized for their total lack of common sense. However, this is one of the many joys of nursing.
I feel an amazing amount of sick today. I just have never felt like throwing up more than I do today. Uhhhh... I hate feeling like this.
Uhhhhhhhhh..... Can't go anywhere in this town... a certain person whom everyone knows in this town has been pursuing me for the last 6 months or so.. I keep blowing him off because the guy is creepy as all get out.. tired to tell him no a few times, but he doesnt take no... keep on seeing him when I'm out.. seriously do not know...
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Who is this guy? I do not know if I know him, but if I do I may be able to pay him a little visit
or even if I don't know him. Who is it? Anything a bored guy with a lot of pent up rage in this god-forsaken city do to help? Let me know. Until next time...

lol, well..in a perfect world it would be easier to move. I would really like to get out of this town as well. I hate it here, but I have the same problem as you do..money. Oh well, hope you can manage to stay away from him 

Computer crashed this week, gotta love that, decided to scrap it and get a new one.. mine was over 4 years old anyway.. now I have one 1,000 times better.. killer