i am back from my birthday camping trip. ill have pics up soon.
highlights of the trip include:
* i got an SG belt buckle from my gf's roomie
* i was able to stargaze from a field on an island with nearly zero lights, resulting in me seeing four times as many stars as ive ever seen INCLUDING being able to clearly see the milkyway.
* using a route known by the locals, we WALKED from the island we were on, to another island. basicly it was a matter of knowing which beach on which to start, and we just followed a sand bar that bridged the 1/2 mile gap between the two islands. the water was waist high for most of the way, but from shore it looked like we were walking on water like jesus!!
(you can see the smaller island, Rock Island, off the NW corner of Wasington Island in this pic)
*i enjoyed a few beers and a game of darts at the oldest legally continually open drinking establishment in WI,Nelsens Hall. due to a legal loophole, Nelsens Hall was able to continue to serve 90 proof bitters under the guise of a "stomach tonic" during prohibition.
*being a car guy, i was totally thrilled with the large number of old vehicles being used as daily transportation...50's and '60s pickup trucks and jeeps were all over the place.
im so sad to have to leave the island
its truly one of the greatest places ive ever been.
i am back from my birthday camping trip. ill have pics up soon.
highlights of the trip include:
* i got an SG belt buckle from my gf's roomie
* i was able to stargaze from a field on an island with nearly zero lights, resulting in me seeing four times as many stars as ive ever seen INCLUDING being able to clearly see the milkyway.
* using a route known by the locals, we WALKED from the island we were on, to another island. basicly it was a matter of knowing which beach on which to start, and we just followed a sand bar that bridged the 1/2 mile gap between the two islands. the water was waist high for most of the way, but from shore it looked like we were walking on water like jesus!!
(you can see the smaller island, Rock Island, off the NW corner of Wasington Island in this pic)
*i enjoyed a few beers and a game of darts at the oldest legally continually open drinking establishment in WI,Nelsens Hall. due to a legal loophole, Nelsens Hall was able to continue to serve 90 proof bitters under the guise of a "stomach tonic" during prohibition.
*being a car guy, i was totally thrilled with the large number of old vehicles being used as daily transportation...50's and '60s pickup trucks and jeeps were all over the place.
im so sad to have to leave the island
It's a good day to be born on.
As much as I know you are gonna want to be a bug.....your profile has to go thru much scientific testing, bloodwork, etc. before we can decide your car. Please hold.....