Oh where, oh where have my sinuses gone?
Oh where, oh where could they be?
I snotred some draino and now i'm in pain
Oh where, oh where can they be?
My ode to modern pharmaceuticals and their ability to curtail a snotty nose.
I lurk not unlike a fart in an elevator!
Oh where, oh where could they be?
I snotred some draino and now i'm in pain
Oh where, oh where can they be?
My ode to modern pharmaceuticals and their ability to curtail a snotty nose.
I lurk not unlike a fart in an elevator!

I just have a big sign on my forehead saying 'fucking tool, fuck me in the ass I like it'
jason should KNOW fucking better... I've spent all this time hating him... but now I've realised.. that if adrian actually told him what kind of strain this has put on our relationship.. he would do something about it.. apparently he is very easy to guilt... but adrian has said nothing.... we have been fighting at LEAST once a week about this whole thing for 3 months now... can he not SEE that it is affecting me this badly? that his girl is hurting and that he can do something about it... but he's choosing not too....
I hate them both with a passion... jasons probably going to be ecstatic now because he has adrian all to himself...
good they fucking deserve each other