(I notice, that the less I'm doing IRL, the more I post here... Hmm)
This is the time of year that I'm usually overcome by nostalgia. The weather warms up, the days are longer and memories of good times come flooding back.... I listen to a lot more old DC punk and remember being a part of the old scene and wonder where a lot of the folks ended up. I wonder if they look back as fondly as I do, rose colored glasses or not. It's true though, in the psycological sense, you really can't go home. Life marches on, whether you're there or not. You just try to play catch up the best you can..... 36 years down this road makes me move slower than I would like..
I miss DC badly. Liz does too.
It's amazing how being only 40 miles away can seem like a different world. It looked like Liz and I were going to be able to move home for a bit there, but no such luck.... I think that adds to my overall blueness.
Hindsight being 20/20, we should have taken our wedding money and used it to move back home. We miss our friends and the sights and smells of home. I've been here 7 years and I still feel like an alien, and Liz hates it too.
Granted, it's just a 45 minute drive, but it's wierd.... Like hanging out with an ex, and pretending you don't have a history.
Liz is sick, I'm tired, and we're both in the deepest rut I can remember either of us ever being in. It' sucks. I hate to be one of those people who writes maudlin self pitying crap on the internet, it's just kind of where my heads at right now. Anything that gets done these days is by sheer force of will.
My goal for this year is to get our basic shit together and get back to where we belong. I'd rather live there and visit friends here, than the other way around. The people we care about up here are all that ties us to this town. Nothing else holds our interest at all. Oh well. All things pass. I guess I just have to force the ball to roll in the direction I want it to. Whining to you isn't helping anything.
This is the time of year that I'm usually overcome by nostalgia. The weather warms up, the days are longer and memories of good times come flooding back.... I listen to a lot more old DC punk and remember being a part of the old scene and wonder where a lot of the folks ended up. I wonder if they look back as fondly as I do, rose colored glasses or not. It's true though, in the psycological sense, you really can't go home. Life marches on, whether you're there or not. You just try to play catch up the best you can..... 36 years down this road makes me move slower than I would like..
I miss DC badly. Liz does too.
It's amazing how being only 40 miles away can seem like a different world. It looked like Liz and I were going to be able to move home for a bit there, but no such luck.... I think that adds to my overall blueness.
Hindsight being 20/20, we should have taken our wedding money and used it to move back home. We miss our friends and the sights and smells of home. I've been here 7 years and I still feel like an alien, and Liz hates it too.
Granted, it's just a 45 minute drive, but it's wierd.... Like hanging out with an ex, and pretending you don't have a history.
Liz is sick, I'm tired, and we're both in the deepest rut I can remember either of us ever being in. It' sucks. I hate to be one of those people who writes maudlin self pitying crap on the internet, it's just kind of where my heads at right now. Anything that gets done these days is by sheer force of will.
My goal for this year is to get our basic shit together and get back to where we belong. I'd rather live there and visit friends here, than the other way around. The people we care about up here are all that ties us to this town. Nothing else holds our interest at all. Oh well. All things pass. I guess I just have to force the ball to roll in the direction I want it to. Whining to you isn't helping anything.
i get nostalgic at the beginning of every season