93 day till my wedding
so excited and nervous so much left to do and buy still don't even know if we were able to get the church for the wedding of not do to the fact that the minister preacher guy doesn't like that I openly admit to being agnostic
but oh well we already have the reseption [lanned and paid for though still need a videographer so I don't know what we're doing about that but got the dress got the shoes for both of us ordered( custom convers fuck dress shoes) and got my tux (fucking $356
jean yves mirage no button black mandarin collar no tie white herringbone vest mandarin collar pleated shirt
) on the way should be here any day now and still need ideas for what to do in Naples, FL. for a week
and just missing one part of lizes wedding present but it should be on its way its really hard to buy nice jewelry for a girl with a heavy metal allergy pretty much all she can wear is pure platinum and stainless steel witch it was a pain to find a nice stainless steel necklace chain that went with the pendant I got her but I managed so this seems like a good sopping point for this entry cause I have to use the restroom good bye sg land hope every one has a great day

Good luck with the wedding.