"the philosophy of CHOICE was outlaw philosophy, insofar as outlaws have philosophy(they are more inclined to have hangovers, herpes, and lousy credit ratings).Determinists who view the universe as an agitation of billard balls, caroming off one another according to predetermined laws, have always been threatened by "outlaws" who insist on playing the game with their own cues. Laws describe contraint. Their purpose is to control, not to create. Dullards are law-abiding because they choose not to choose. Outlaws being less frightened by the bewildering variety of experience, being in fact, slightly madd for encounters new and extreme will seek to choose even when no choice readily presents itself. OUTLAWS ARE LIVING SIGNPOSTS POINTING TO ELSEWHERE AND APOSTLES OF OTHERNESS AND AGENTS OF CHOICE!!!!!."
.Tom Robbins.
.Tom Robbins.