Lately things have been bitter sweet. Sadly, my car is still on Jackstands. My transmission swap was going wonderful until the cable that tells the transmission what gear to be in broke. It is on order, sadly I have to continue working on it next week.

Saturday Rocked. I went to some cemetaries. In downtown Pittsburgh. Homewood and Allegheny Cemetary both rock. I also visited...
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My fucking internet has been totally shitty lately. I have only been able to check my e-mail from work.

In other news, I am having a bunch of fun and working hard. My car now has a new transmission and I am working on other fun things that will make it much nicer to drive, and get better fuel economy.

I am going to go...
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This weekend really couldn't have got much better. Not only did I have an awesome time on saturday, I continued the fun into Pennsylvania. On sunday, I woke up late and took my time taking a nice drive to Greenville, PA. I helped a friend work on his 69 Mustang and dropped by a gathering with him. After that, I drove to Butler. Once there,...
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So far, this has been a real manic weekend. Friday night sucked. I ended up going to bed early and accomplishing nothing.

Saturday was wonderful.
I went to the store and bought the new Skinny Puppy album and 8 other used cd's. New music makes me happy.

After the music store, I went across the street just to see what was on the clearance rack...
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Yesterday I Slept. Today I Worked.

I was at work for 16 hours today. Not overtime, but I was making stuff. I found some cool stuff in the trash and have been making lamps for the living room up at school.

I made the bases for 5 lamps tonight. It was a bunch of welding and a fair amount of milling and lathe work in...
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Been doing a bunch of thinking lately. I have been very lucky that people have been around to talk to though. I have a bunch of complaints about females at the moment. I have noticed that no matter how much different every guy's situation is, guys know how you feel.

I am mainly confused over where things are going to fit into my life. It...
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I had a fun weekend. I lounged on a porch in BFE Ohio. I visited a friend in Troy. Helped her move into a new apartment. After that, I went north to Sidney and hung out with about 9 people from school. Work term get togethers are fun.
It was all I thought about at work today. I just wanted to come home and log on and see what was going on. smile It's good to be home, but right now I am getting a little tired of looking at the sky.
Shit I didn't even notice that there. Whoa. Now that has me thinking as well.

You have a very sharp eye. You are going to keep me on my toes I can tell. I am glad you joined my NIN group. smile
The Dude: Fuckin' Quintana... that creep can roll, man.
Walter Sobchak: Yeah, but he's a pervert, Dude.
The Dude: Yeah.
Walter Sobchak: No, he's a sex offender. With a record. He served 6 months in Chino for exposing himself to an eight year old.
The Dude: Oh!
Walter Sobchak: When he moved to Hollywood he had to go door to door to tell everyone he...
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The weekend was nice. It was one of the first times I hung out at school without anything to do. I did not have to worry about a test or homework. I just kicked back and relaxed. Talked a bunch of music with people. Stayed up late.

Today started off shitty and got better. This morning the Ranchero had a dead battery. I got a...
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