The first weekly Alternative Music Night went well. I had a bad-ass playlist that included Industrial, Gothic, Punk and Darkwave music.

The cage still needs deccorated more, but having a cagedancer is still fun.

Kite flying would have been more fun if there was wind, but it was still relaxing to sit in a grassy field with friends yesterday. I hope that becomes an every...
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This weekend went well. On saturday, I hosted an impromptu 70's theme party. A group of us piled into a 1977 Lincoln listening to the XM "chrome" station and headed over to the Dort Highway Thrift stores. We all got hideous clothing and invited some people over for the evening.

I spun some good 70's tunes while people relaxed in the basement and played pool,...
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I have been somewhat manic over the past few days. I need to buckle down with class.

Things are going well overall. People are irritating me.

I got a pavilion ticket for Curosa for FREE. I am so excited. I did not have this concert in my budget and thought I would not be able to make it.

I think some of my roomate's bitterness...
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I had an update here, but fucked up on submitting and I don't have time to re-enter it before class.

Classes have started. I am stuck with one 6-8 pm class. It sucks but I don't have to go much. Fluid Mechanics and Dynamic Systems 1 are going to be a bitch.

My fun elective is Sheet Metal Forming. I am kind of enjoying the topics we are covering.

I did some investigation. 3rd Wednesday is going to be my fun darkwave/industrial/alternative music night. If...
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I have been meeting so many people lately. There have been people hanging arround the house 24/7. I am considering hosting an Industrial/Darkwave night in the basement. With all this acitvity going on arround me, it is hard to find time to sleep. Lately I have continued to be the DD for anybody. I am not comfortable enough with the situations to leave the responcibility...
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I just stopped in to say "hi"

Great taste in music!
Woohoo. I am back in Flint. Nothing has changed up here. I just met a few freshmen over at the dorms. I have a lot of stuff to do up here.

So those are the good things. The bad situation is, now I am seperated from my better half for the next 2 months.

Once I pay my school bill, I might buy her a...
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I will be signing off for a while.

Be back early-mid July.

Come to my SGPGH gathering, It will be a good time.
Happy birthday!
sorry i missed your party
it was free comic book day and i have a one track mind
I got my hair cut yesterday. I hate my current hairstyle. Grow, damnit, grow!

Hung out with a friend at a bar, probibly the last time I go to the bar and be under 21. My friend drank a bit, so he let me drive his Trans Am back. That car rocks hard, but is still a bit too "Burt Renolds" for my taste.

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evans city cemetary, thank you!!! i was there once years ago and walked through the flooded town next to it, but i could not remember where it was for the life of me. i have some friends i've been wanting to take there.

I sent out all the e-mails necessary to finish out my time at work. I will have 12 days off before I have to go back to school. It will be nice to relax a bit back home.

My weekend plans include a Solstace Party at my Aunt's place and to finish some automobile repairs so I don't have to drive the shitbox of a...
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