1.work out work out work out. must get physically fit! i want toned arms and thighs and calves and ABS! i miss having a (5'2" :whatever knockout body. fast food bad.
2.eat right. have smaller portions and more... Read More
My gosh, great minds think alike lol Your list matches pretty much everything on mine!!!If you were here we could exercise together!!!And flash our boobies at random strangers!
happy birfday to me! yay! i'm officially 2 decades old. and no longer a "teenager". me and my hubby are up watching random AWESOME like...A W E S O M E 80's/90's vids. earlier we went to my mom's and she made CEVICHE and fucking guacamayas! fucking hell yes! we went to the mexican grocery store and bought a bunch of mexican chips! i swear... Read More
iii've been supposed to been looking over finances and paying bills and what not. and what do i do everytime i'm about to online bank? get on here. now i wish i'd gotten stuff done because my cat is sleeping next to my loved one and they look so cute sleeping next to each other. plus my hubby's exposed bum is peeking out from the... Read More
@ work doing night audit stuff.
listening to msi.
I swear I need glasses. I can't see that shit..
I got a fucking papercut. tis mad.
2 more hours.
then back again at 5ish.
the fax machine startled me.
all I want,
damn it,
all I want
is to be in bed..
with my warm husband's body..
watching naruto episodes on my laptop...... Read More
so i just came home from work. and someone got fired. and even though i just started like a month ago they trust me enough to train someone new. i've never trained anyone at any job before. i feel almost..proud of myself to be able to do this now. haha. lame i know.
tommorrow i'll be taking my cat to be neutered. i'm scared for... Read More
I'm ordering you a present, madam. I'm leaving for New York on Saturday the 21st. I won't be here for your birthday. But, if you like, I can get you some sort of something while I'm there.
I want to be a suicidegirl SO bad. there is so much gorgeous competition though! I saw Watchmen today-crazy amazing me happy. I need a girlfriend really bad. not to have sex with, I don't desire that, but for everything else. I have no females in my life right now, only men. I can't cuddle with men without raising flags with my husband. at least... Read More
i'm sick
i need to go shopping for my sister's birthday
i wish i had a shopping buddy
my nose has been stuffy
work is making me break out from stress
my body is tired
my hair looks shitty
i put nail caps on my kitty's nails, i refuse to declaw him even though the nail caps look like little maggots coming out of his... Read More