Man I am a Lame pants, can't ask a grily out right if she wants to come with me so I have to go on nzdating SIGH I suck ... but it seems to be working out! Chatting to chicks and getting to see some very nice photo's
Other then that SICK and it sucks, I have convinced myself that if I can update my blog then I can do some work! Most of today i've been sleeping and reading harry potter, also texting my sick buddy about how much it sucks to be sick! I know, I am a very exciting lady!
My little neice is sooooo cute! She smiles and giggles now.
Well thats me for the moment, still haven't done a set but have an idea just not a place to shoot it. I guess my place is nice, just small ...
Other then that SICK and it sucks, I have convinced myself that if I can update my blog then I can do some work! Most of today i've been sleeping and reading harry potter, also texting my sick buddy about how much it sucks to be sick! I know, I am a very exciting lady!
My little neice is sooooo cute! She smiles and giggles now.
Well thats me for the moment, still haven't done a set but have an idea just not a place to shoot it. I guess my place is nice, just small ...