Yay finshed illustration and life drawing -well- handed in life drawing but illus is tommorrow, then digital media. POOS I haven't slept properly in weeks, POO POO POO.
BUT here is my second double page spread for illustration. I hope I pass, or get a B. At my uni a B is equavilent to an A. People who get A's don't sleep, socialise or have sex. I'd rather not be that kind of person
So now for the animation, I can't bebothereddoingitIwanttosleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
I'll leave you with some Helga the Horrifed. Cursed miss spelling
BUT here is my second double page spread for illustration. I hope I pass, or get a B. At my uni a B is equavilent to an A. People who get A's don't sleep, socialise or have sex. I'd rather not be that kind of person

So now for the animation, I can't bebothereddoingitIwanttosleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
I'll leave you with some Helga the Horrifed. Cursed miss spelling

I like it!