Boyfriend fel into some money so I ate quite well today! TheIRD do their job every now and then. Also had some fun with the digital camera, now that I live in a reasonably nice house and all ... (Living in a shithole really impaires your ability to try and look sexy
Animating has just eaten my whole weekend, BUT working in a very quiet tea shop means I can draw in overt amounts.
FOOD SHOWS SUCK. Do not work in one even if you think you will get something out of it, you won't ... their were lines for the samples, fricken lines! -_-
Open relationships = hard. where is my girl love? WHERE?!

Animating has just eaten my whole weekend, BUT working in a very quiet tea shop means I can draw in overt amounts.
FOOD SHOWS SUCK. Do not work in one even if you think you will get something out of it, you won't ... their were lines for the samples, fricken lines! -_-
Open relationships = hard. where is my girl love? WHERE?!

I'm at massey, this is my last week of lectures, study break -> exams. h o l i d a y
Hangin out for that !
I imagine an open relationship would be hard! You must be very secure together
Are you applying to model for SG?!