TO be on a sure FOUNDATION
Week Two The Foundation
Week Three Looking Inward
Week Four Gods Faithfulness
The first priority when rebuilding our lives is to lay a good foundation. God instructs us (1 Corinthians 3:11 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one we already have Jesus Christ.) that the only secure foundation is Jesus Christ.
He is...
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Week Two The Foundation
Week Three Looking Inward
Week Four Gods Faithfulness
The first priority when rebuilding our lives is to lay a good foundation. God instructs us (1 Corinthians 3:11 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one we already have Jesus Christ.) that the only secure foundation is Jesus Christ.
He is...
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Well your little project here has inspired me to dust off my Bible and continue reading. I jump around in it a lot, but I finally finished Deuteronomy, which left me with more questions than answers. But I suppose that's intentional? Looking forward to you getting that full time internet. Lots to discuss! 

I so very much look forward to what you write. I'm running out the door ... we shall speak soon. you are brilliant. 

Week One. Day Four.
Hebrews 4:12
(NLT) For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.
Why would positive healthy change be impossible without Christ's help?
We all have a moment of weakness (or two) where we believe 'we' need to change this...
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Hebrews 4:12
(NLT) For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.
Why would positive healthy change be impossible without Christ's help?
We all have a moment of weakness (or two) where we believe 'we' need to change this...
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Why would positive healthy change be impossible without Christ's help?
We all have a moment of weakness (or two) where we believe 'we' need to change this or that, and that we need to make all these changes on our lives. Yes I think that that's the first step but to truly have positive healthy change in our lives we need to forfeit our mind and body to Christ. Without his power and love over us 'our' change would never be enough. There is so much sin; sin disguised as good in the world, we would only be lying to ourselves if we thought we could entirely change without Christ's help.
If we could only get people to understand this alone, we would be SO much better off!
We all have a moment of weakness (or two) where we believe 'we' need to change this or that, and that we need to make all these changes on our lives. Yes I think that that's the first step but to truly have positive healthy change in our lives we need to forfeit our mind and body to Christ. Without his power and love over us 'our' change would never be enough. There is so much sin; sin disguised as good in the world, we would only be lying to ourselves if we thought we could entirely change without Christ's help.
If we could only get people to understand this alone, we would be SO much better off!
Week One. Day Three.
Hebrews 4:12
(NLT) For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.
What is one area in your life you would most like to change? Are you willing to do the work necessary to accomplish that?
Contrary to my...
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Hebrews 4:12
(NLT) For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.
What is one area in your life you would most like to change? Are you willing to do the work necessary to accomplish that?
Contrary to my...
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Sorry, after being on here for several years I guess I've become a bit pessimistic. I was referring to "making it" on this site. Not in your studies. Sorry about that. 

You know, I wonder why God would have made us with that nature if we were meant to resist it. That was one of the things that I always had a hard time reconciling.
Hopeful Set
by sonia123
Hopeful Set
Shinobi Red
Hopeful Set
Clipped Wings
Hopeful Set
Hello All, I'm Rarhas.
Super stoked to be on here! I can't wait to network and meet some cool people to hook up with.. perhaps do photos together in the future
This is a boring kick off to my blog, but, fuck. I'm just a lil speechless!
I'm going to go make some dinner and hit this up in bit when i calm down
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Super stoked to be on here! I can't wait to network and meet some cool people to hook up with.. perhaps do photos together in the future

This is a boring kick off to my blog, but, fuck. I'm just a lil speechless!
I'm going to go make some dinner and hit this up in bit when i calm down

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Welcome to SG