Hi everyone! It’s Sasha here ❤️
Wanted to tell y’all how I’m doing real quick and post some updates of my escape from my country!
First of all THANK YOU SO MUCH everyone for supporting me in this decision! It was really hard to make it but I really have no choice and any long term further life and here. From the bottom of my heart thank you all for the tips and kind words!
I bought my own suitcase (with your help of course) because my parents got mad that I’m leaving in near time and told me that they don’t support my decision that I’m not a patriot and I’m a true coward because I want to leave.
My answer was ‘what the hell am I supposed to do here?’ In the country where the exchange rate now is fucked, economic is dying slowly and everything is getting more expensive day by day? No thank you!
Anyways, here’s the suitcase ❤️ Thank you so much guys! I don’t know what I would do without you!
What I’m gonna do next:
I’m checking where can I go everyday now but most of the airspace is blocked at the moment and the situation is changing every day so it’s really hard to predict where can I go because the whole situation is really unstable now.
I have some work issues in the middle of march and I need to donate/giveaway/sell most of my clothes and stuff to leave as less as possible here. So it’s gonna be pretty intense month as you can see! 😮💨
I also have no idea what’s up with the banks again because one day everything is working and the other day everyone (SW’s) is complaining that payment systems aren’t working. Ehh, I’m so tired because of that.
This is pretty much all I wanted to say, can’t thank you enough for all the support! Will keep you updated of course!
thank you for reading till the end ❤️
My links in case you want to support/cheer me up
ALLMYLINKS (I’ve put discounts on all my websites so I could buy a plane ticket, last time I sold my canon camera to buy one 😅)
Hope y’all are staying safe and healthy!
Lots of love,
Sasha Rare