Hey there SG land! Long time no blog homework but here I am to tell you something!
So I personally love this topic because something really good has happened to me recently! I’ve had the best experience of meeting someone from the website! ❤️🔥
From the bottom of my heart I just want to say HUGE thank you to @vikat who introduced me to @isadoraj and now we’re really close friends! ✨
This girl is always making me happy, honestly! She’s such a genuine, intelligent and respectful person! I wish her all the freaking best in this life and hope that our friendship will last forever! 🥺❤️
She’s always there to talk to me and it’s absolutely mutual!
We met in Mexico for the first time and I’ll never forget this! We were spending a lot of time with each other, taking pics, visiting beautiful places and she was also introducing me to new people as well!
It’s something that you don’t expect and then it happens and turns out life changing, hope you know what I’m saying 😅
Still can’t get over that day when we both met @yessybear also! Was such a great night! I miss you dear 💘
Anyways, I want y’all to take a look at @isadoraj ‘s profile, show some love on her S E T S because this girl deserves SO MUCH love in her life. I will support her no matter what, really. 💕
Isa is very dear to my heart and I love her so so much! Te amo muchísimo 💋
Thank you SG, I’ve met here so many outstanding people can’t even describe how happy I am. Just thank you!
💝 @missy @penny @sean @lemon @eirenne @mickey @lust 💝