Hey hey! @missy @rambo
As we all know it's winter season outside and in most countries the temperature is always under zero point so today I would like to share my tips on how to stay warm and don't catch a cold! 🥶
1. First thing is clothes. Only this year I started to wear warm tights under my trousers, because it's freaking cold in Moscow.
I remember when I was in school I could wear a skirt without any tights and enjoy my life hahaha, looks like I'm getting old 😂
2. Second one is to include more citrus in your diet. Oranges, clementines(my favorite!!), grapefruits (personally I don't really like them), maybe some citrus hybrids (I saw in Auchan). They will help you to cheer up and save from unexpected flu! 😏
3. Third one is good sleep. I found out that if we sleep less than we need our organism becomes really stressful and therefore more vulnerable to viruses! I decided to go to sleep at 10-11 pm as I did in summer but the thing is when I have to get up to uni at 6-7 am I can't do it because it's freaking dark outside and my organism thinks that's still night time and it don't let me to get up 😂 this is how I skipped half lectures and seminars this year 🤪
I hope my advises helped you in some way and now I'm gonna have a clementine! 🍊
Have a great day and don't get sick otherwise I'll come and heal you with oranges hahaha!