I think it is the perfect winter morning. The snow is hard and there is just enough of a breeze to make your cheeks rosey.
I should have been more tired and slept in. I had a long work day Saturday and then I was up sitting around a fire and drinking with friends in my back yard until 2am. (Winter Night Sky, Sparks Floating Up, One Side Cooked By The Fire, Oneside Freezing
). But I was up at 7 just like alway, so I went for a winter walk around Lake Harriet.
It has been a very good start to the day.
We are having another fire to night since Monday is a holiday for some.
Anyone want to come?
Have a happy and fun week.
Suprise someone you love with a slap one the butt.

It has been a very good start to the day.

We are having another fire to night since Monday is a holiday for some.

Have a happy and fun week.

How are you???
just dropping by to say hello, hehe
mmm fire. gotta love the half burning half freezing feeling. I don't get to have fires much is Ausralia. Too dry and hot. but we are coming into winter so maybe soon.