Hey SG, just wanted to share my latest finding
As i'm bored as hell, i've been going through a few NOFX videos, at first it was just about The Decline live at Red Rock's with Baz's Orchestra (which is amazing, that's almost 19min of a pure masterpiece). Then i looked here and there and watch Backstage Passport 2 (i've weirdly never watched it even though i'm a huge NOFX fan) and it showed me even more about the band that i expected, so i felt eager to learn even more !
And just this morning, after watching an interview of Fat Mike (lead singer of NOFX), where he answers many questions, particulary about his label, which turned 24 (instead of 25 like the guy interviewing him and pretty much everyone else thought xD)
Mike ends up talking about a musical he's been working on... And i'm like SHIT i gotta watch this !!
Home Street Home "A musical about punks" ?!
So i foud it on Youtube : Home Street Home
I saw the end like 20min ago, and i'm now listening to the album of the original songs from this beautiful and dark musical (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NPMYuW7sco if you don't feel like watching the actual musical)
If you like musicals, if you like punk, tragedy, laughs, drugs, booze, bdsm and feel touched by songs about freedom, abuse, fighting, finding who you are, discrimination, family, love... this is worth the 2 hours :)
Just wanted to share this, as it needs to be seen by more people.
Punk will never die