So I shot a new set during a beautiful hotel trip I took myself on this month! I enjoyed the peace and quiet with some prosecco in my bathtub 🛀
On the second day I got up to shoot this set! I was very frustrated as we get barely any daylight at this time of year in the UK (if any at all haha) so by 3pm it was pretty much all grey and dark. I set up my lights, but I tried to work with as much sunlight as I could.
I have a set of 43 images to edit!
I feel there will be some challenges with the shadows and moments you can see the remote in my hand I use to shoot with (it's inevitable as I, style, shoot, and have to move the tripod and lights around by myself) so I'm not sure when it'll be finished.
I've been through one round of Lightroom edits (a general lighting/temperature change as well as image selection to begin with). I imagine I'll put the rest through three photoshop edits just to make sure I haven't missed anything before I upload it!
I also intend to keep hold of some of the images I didn't select for backup in case I need to switch any out for any reason. Always best to be prepared!
I'll update you as soon as I can ❤️