Hey all, so you've all seen the sets I've been shooting over the years, I'm not exactly an expert (I did an A Level in photography and some of my great friends I've met through SG have given me so much solid advice). However I've genuinely struggled a lot to achieve the right look but I think I may have cracked it!!!.
It's so strange that it's taken me this long to reach a result I'm this happy with but it doesn't help the light variables in the UK are frustrating haha but here we are at last!
I'm thinking of shooting a photoset like this tomorrow, what do you think?

I love all your sets @raphaelite and think all of them should be Set Of The Day. I do love your photography too over the years as well. I also was studying photography too in Digital Media back in my college years before dropping out due to mental health & not getting paid bursary. But I love doing photography myself and hope to do more of it in the near future once I'm used to self traveling for myself again. Hope the photoshoot goes well and your doing ok. Miss chatting to you!!

Beautiful photo ❤