A few of you have been asking what happened to all my old Hopeful sets- well, I wanted to start afresh! New Roo, basically. I've been working on my image, making my look more commercial alternative, mostly because I always wanted to be the raven haired goth chick and never quite dared! I was unhappy with my old look, particularly as I think I looked too gaunt in some of my sets whereas I eat all day now, haha! So Tights Tease is the start of a better Roo. Hopefully it will be the one to get me Pink, which I've been aspiring to for two years- a lot of my English model friends have recently joined the SG ranks so it'd be an honour to be amongst them, but either way I think this set is a nice reintroduction of myself and a seperation from that old curly blonde!
You may notice in my recent pics that my hair is shorter now; I just shot a set with @ladyswift so my second Hopeful set will keep you updated on my look and tattoo progress!
So outside SG, what am I up to? Amongst other things, walking a catwalk in August alongside Bianca Beauchamp herself! It's seriously the highlight of my career and it will be excellent to raise my profile a little more :)