Oh dear, last night I came down with the dreaded Winter Norovirus which I caught from my boyfriend, who's been really ill for three days (but at least while he was at work I got to spend time with him). Last night I started shaking and sat on the edge of the bed, clutching a plastic bin and sobbing into it because I was so scared of being sick. I really hate the feeling of a loss of control when you're throwing up, it really frightens me for some reason, but luckily I didn't- I just drank glass after glass of orange juice my boyfriend poured out for me and spent all day in bed with crippling stomach cramps and sulphur burps. I'm rarely poorly so this is so unpleasant for me, I hardly know how to handle it- luckily Norovirus is only supposed to last a couple of days, so hopefully I'll get well soon!
Hope you are feeling better. I am not a big fan of being sick either.
Wow! That sucks!