Really diggin these guys at the moment
Debating shaving my head. I like the short back and sides but I'm getting a bit tired of it.
Also, I spent the past two weeks rebuilding my bike - I've replaced just about everything, and really enjoyed the experience. I'd shied away from doing any major repairs on it before but now I know how easy it...
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Debating shaving my head. I like the short back and sides but I'm getting a bit tired of it.
Also, I spent the past two weeks rebuilding my bike - I've replaced just about everything, and really enjoyed the experience. I'd shied away from doing any major repairs on it before but now I know how easy it...
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As well as being the Winter Solstice, last night was also Yalda, the Persian celebration of the birth of Mitra. Mitra is one of the most ancient deities we know of, playing a large role in both Zoroastrianism (as the son and demiurge of the God Ahura Mazda) and ancient Hinduism. Although distanced from Zoroastrianism by the time of the Roman Empire, the cult of...
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im in my third year of social work degree. it's not a full scholarship that i dont pay for school, it's me giving 200 hours to the community (in my case im at a shelter for bettered women and at a kindergarten) and we get money for it. it is like a job only with a high wage per hour, because we are poor students, and that help us pay the tuition.
Thank you for welcoming me back. When I first came back on here I was thinking of hitting the "like" button a few times. I guess I'd been gone too long, playing around on a different social network site.
It's been ages since I blogged on here, so some quick updates just in case anyone's interested...
I'm obsessed with this song right now:
I moved to Nottingham a couple of months ago and am really enjoying my PhD. I've been attending an undergrad course in Ancient Hebrew which has helped to solidify my previous knowledge so that I can read the more basic Biblical...
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I'm obsessed with this song right now:
I moved to Nottingham a couple of months ago and am really enjoying my PhD. I've been attending an undergrad course in Ancient Hebrew which has helped to solidify my previous knowledge so that I can read the more basic Biblical...
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Daft Punk - Steam Machine :-) x
I went to an event in Nottingham yesterday called the Futurological Congress. This was billed as a conference on 'the future under communism'; only slightly misleadingly, because it was actually about how the future was imagined from within the USSR. It was very interesting - six speakers addressing different elements of this and a performance piece from Anjalika Sagar and Kodwo Eshun. The most interesting...
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Well, so here I am again. Back on SG, back in the UK, back in Birmingham.
I thoroughly enjoyed Israel. It was a massive learning experience. I met a lot of very interesting people and saw some amazing places. I talk about it all in length at my blog - myduckfeet - where there's plenty of pics and philosophical musings if anyone's interested in that....
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I thoroughly enjoyed Israel. It was a massive learning experience. I met a lot of very interesting people and saw some amazing places. I talk about it all in length at my blog - myduckfeet - where there's plenty of pics and philosophical musings if anyone's interested in that....
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As you return to sg, I hereby depart it! Well not til the weekend. My account better fucking expire this time or else...*raises fist* Oooh you went to a metal giggy. Actually I own 2 albums by a metal band heralding from none other than Israel, they're called Orphaned Land. If you don't know them maybe you should check 'em out? They've dropped the death metal growling and are very much a progressive band now, with male and female vocalists and incorporating lost of traditional middle eastern instruments into their songs for a very ethnic feel. Plus they have an emphasis on united the three abrahamic faiths. Oh and it's interesting you mention House of Leaves as I'm planning to read that as part of my research. Kibbutz sounds like a special place. I always hate when people ask the generic trite like "How are you?" when they already know the answer they're expecting off you. To be able to utter something only if necessary makes for a very self-reflective way of life. Less words, more thought. And eating in silence is very meditative. To be aware of the food you are tasting. To live more in the present. I think it's cool. And I agree with you about how wonderful it is to break away from ocularcentricity (that's like my new favourite word). Hearing and I would stress touching too. They both allow for a more dynamic experience of things I think. I'm already thinking about life after art school, no finalizing but i've got a few ideas up my sleeve for what to do afterwards. Haha I don't know what i'm writing my thesis on yet, let me finish mycurent essay and then write up my thesis proposal and i'll let ya know. And thanks for your own one. Which i'll read once i've written my essay. What my tattoo is all about is in my third last blog. I think you can work out why I chose to get a blood letting device inked onto my wrist of all places. It's my own design but the tattooist added the woodgrains as I just had it as a line drawing. Of course real scarificators are made of brass but I think wood and metal look sexy together. Plus with the real ones, that central lever would be much more innocent looking, and a multitude of blades would issue forth from the base of the box once the lever is cocked
Please reply to this on my email as I'm not reactivating this until mid-May.

I just tried sending you the movie and it failed. It's also too big for yousendit, damn it. I'll have to crop it back at uni and try sending again next month.
My youth was mis-spent on the inside of an oil rig
Writing poems to the beauty of the waves and the seagulls
Tagging girders with mine and my friends' names
Building funeral pyres to summers long gone
I escaped on the back of an eagle
She spoke in French and we flew under the waves
Into Babylon.
Writing poems to the beauty of the waves and the seagulls
Tagging girders with mine and my friends' names
Building funeral pyres to summers long gone
I escaped on the back of an eagle
She spoke in French and we flew under the waves
Into Babylon.
Hey there, nice to meet you!
Congratulations on completing the dissertation!
It's great that you were able to see your cousin and have some drinks! Makes me think, I haven't gone out for some drinks in quite awhile. Maybe I'll go out this weekend. I also love live music. Sounds like great bands.
I like your profile too. Your interests reflect your education.
Congratulations on completing the dissertation!
It's great that you were able to see your cousin and have some drinks! Makes me think, I haven't gone out for some drinks in quite awhile. Maybe I'll go out this weekend. I also love live music. Sounds like great bands.
I like your profile too. Your interests reflect your education.
Glad to hear you got your dissertation finished - what is it about? I know things will get better - in 6 months none of this will matter i expect! Just right now...

Definitely agreed sir! I love those songs! 

On of my best art ideas came after a bout of destruction. I was so angry I picked up my hammer and started smashing at the piece of wall that marked my studio space. I loved how I could see the history of the wall through the layers of white paint, plaster and brick... seeing weeds shoot out inbetween slabs of concrete always fills me with joy, I was having a stroll the other day around the Bank area of London and weeds were some of the best moments on my walk.
Yes it was Supersonic
Your calendar wins. I have a one that was given from my sister to my mum and has my mum's name plastered on every sodding page within the most cheesy of images. I hate how photoshop has taken over the world.
It's a weird time at the moment. I came to Lancaster 2 years ago to take my MA. I'll be finished in two months. I worked out I have 52 days till my dissertation deadline. I can't believe how quickly it's gone...but so much has happened, and I've met so many great people here. Considering the difference in size between this tiny place and Birmingham,...
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I'm glad I'm not studying any more, its such hard work haha.
Yes, it's hard work...but it's what I live for. I'd rather be doing this than anything else