Made me tear up. Then I laughed - not at sweet Lola, but because one of ours will have an urn that reads, "This face saved humanity. Now you're all fucked." I think it will pleasantly confuse houseguests.
Yeah. I would say I've outgrown SG, but I think it's more that SG has immatured... or something. I used to talk to people on here... I used to meet new people and go to events. I used to enjoy reading the news and the groups. Alas, now I feel like I just check it periodically to see what's up, only to find out that there is nothing new going on. (Or, in fact, that the good things are gone.)
My account expires today, so farewell and take care. *hugs* It was good to know you. (I'm on Facebook, if you wanna find me.) Amanda Fox.
Made me tear up. Then I laughed - not at sweet Lola, but because one of ours will have an urn that reads, "This face saved humanity. Now you're all fucked." I think it will pleasantly confuse houseguests.
Take care of yourself, hon.
My account expires today, so farewell and take care. *hugs* It was good to know you. (I'm on Facebook, if you wanna find me.) Amanda Fox.