So I leave the weekend with this statement: I talked to my dad for the first time in a year at church this morning and the first thing he says is "I see you put on some weight." Thanks, dad! But he is right about driving my grandpa to church instead of him walking there by himself (it's only 5 minutes from where he lives, chill you people) .
"Robert Downy Jr. In Tropic Thunder: What do you mean, YOU people?
Brandon T. Jackson (Alpa Chino): What do YOU mean you people?"
Anyone else here have really stubborn grandparents? I love my grandpa but dammit he just won't listen! And some wonder why I can be so stubborn. Have you met my grandpa? Alright then, I rest my case.
So I leave the weekend with this statement: I talked to my dad for the first time in a year at church this morning and the first thing he says is "I see you put on some weight." Thanks, dad! But he is right about driving my grandpa to church instead of him walking there by himself (it's only 5 minutes from where he lives, chill you people) .
"Robert Downy Jr. In Tropic Thunder: What do you mean, YOU people?
Brandon T. Jackson (Alpa Chino): What do YOU mean you people?"
Anyone else here have really stubborn grandparents? I love my grandpa but dammit he just won't listen! And some wonder why I can be so stubborn. Have you met my grandpa? Alright then, I rest my case.
Your Grandpa's old, therefore he's at an age where he don't have to listen to nobody.