To all that are interested my screen name is Doctorscrewtape on AIM I just think it kinda sucks that I never actually talk to anyone on here so IM me if you want. Also so far best buy is totally awesome and i can't wait till my discount kicks in!
More Blogs
Friday Apr 15, 2005
I stayed up all night last night playing a crazy star wars game compl… -
Wednesday Apr 06, 2005
I GOT HIRED AT BEST BUY FUCKERS WOOHOO!!!! 5% above cost on all thing… -
Wednesday Mar 16, 2005
Allo people I still don't have a job what it's looking like is that i… -
Saturday Feb 26, 2005
oh and today we're going to buy thrift store suits and harass sciento… -
Saturday Feb 26, 2005
oh and today we're going to buy thrift store suits and harass sciento… -
Saturday Feb 26, 2005
so last night was hilarious, my friends got drunk, i didn't because s… -
Wednesday Feb 16, 2005
I'm addicted to the Ashlee Simpson show...yea I'm scared too -
Thursday Feb 10, 2005
i am happy right now and i'm not sure why i feel like running around … -
Saturday Feb 05, 2005
I GOT ME A JOOOBBBBBB!!!!!! I am now an employee of Grace O' Malley's… -
Saturday Jan 29, 2005
Hey miss mortician you're looking pretty grim today i die again an…