Last Saturday Gonzo and I smoked ourselves oblivious behind the post office on the beach. We then thought it best to experience the sights and sounds of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. In case you've never experienced such a thing, it's quite similar to going to a Catholic Mass under the influence of heavy psychedelics. Polite men with beards that were seven feet tall wearing women's underwear, people wearing the armor of feudal europe, one man wearing too much makeup even for a North Vegas prostitute, a KISS jacket and not much else. The women, unfortunately were more sensibly dressed in maids costumes bras and slips. Needless to say we felt out of place, me in a beat up jean jacket sleeveless shirt and scuffed work boots and Gonzo in similar attire. approximately thirty minutes before the show started they began their rituals. Before anything was allowed to happen those of the audience who had not been to a live screening of the film were asked to the front of the auditorium for a process known as "devirginizing".I had not heard of this before so Gonzo and myself walked to the front of the stage as normally as possible. They asked those of the male persuasion wearing undergarments to take their pants down and run down the aisle screaming something to the effect of "I Love Cheese!!". I was in no condition to do something like this undergarments or not and Gonzo, well Gonzo doesn't believe in undergarments. So we stood back and watched the spectacle in horrified curiosity no one fell and they apparently enjoyed it. The female "virgins" of the audience didn't have to do anything they stood there and watched with looks ranging from amusement to embarrassment. The show started shortly after. A woman stood alone on a pedestal in front of the screen and recited the lines from the song in the opening credits. When the film started the auditorium was filled with chants none that i can recall they all irked me, i was deadset on watching this movie. Eventually we got bored and went to our respective homes and went to sleep. That's right Duke knows how to party .

i will need to borrow that book after all.