Today is big cleaning day at my place. Got most of it sorted out by now. I only need to vacuum and put on new sheets.
Also thinking about my next tattoo. Ive got consulting with Amina from Bright Side Tattoo in 1.5 month so gotta figure out what to have.
Im continuing my nerd arm and im thinking Triforce from Zelda, Guy from Fallout, a gameboy and a nes controller.
Got any ideas of nerd things from the 1980-90, game related?
- oh yeah and its all going to be in a old school sailor style
Also thinking about my next tattoo. Ive got consulting with Amina from Bright Side Tattoo in 1.5 month so gotta figure out what to have.
Im continuing my nerd arm and im thinking Triforce from Zelda, Guy from Fallout, a gameboy and a nes controller.
Got any ideas of nerd things from the 1980-90, game related?
- oh yeah and its all going to be in a old school sailor style

Actually im not on "the front page", im just on the intropage. Same same but different :/ but thanks anyway 

oh i love it when boys clean!!! haha