Started playing Wow again... what a bad idea
Just as the weather starts getting better im staying inside playing...
Also began working on my site. Hoping to have something ready soon so i have a place to paste all my javascript goodies.
tomorrow is games and pizza day. Having a few friends over to play all day and night. Just picked up a copy of prototype. Not sure what to think of it yet but i guess its alright. GTA with powers... mmmmh powers!

Also began working on my site. Hoping to have something ready soon so i have a place to paste all my javascript goodies.
tomorrow is games and pizza day. Having a few friends over to play all day and night. Just picked up a copy of prototype. Not sure what to think of it yet but i guess its alright. GTA with powers... mmmmh powers!
at least you he enjoys of tomorrow .. because I all the weekends work