Oh my god.
I know this has been a problem for years, but I gotta tell you, recently I am very aggravated by movie trailers. Not trailers in general, mind you, but just about every trailer for any sort of action or horror movie. Why?
Read the first line of this rant. Now put it in quotes. That is the answer.
Maybe it's because this is February, and rarely does anything of worth come out this time of year, but it's like every trailer for every movie needs to have that in there. There is a nearly 100% chance that it will be of the main character staring directly at the camera, a look of shock on their face, dramatically lit, and saying it with all the energy of a wounded sloth with a hangover. Either that, or the audio of said shot will be played over some other extremely terrifying/explosion-filled shot. Regardless, it will be entirely out of context. It could be anything, and when I start guessing what they're referring to, it only makes me hate the movie more. For example, I once finished the sentence as such:
DENNIS QUAID: Oh my god... if you put a squirrel and a ferret together, you'd make a squerret. The fiend could make millions on the pet market! We've got to stop him!
DON LAFONTAINE: "Crossbreeder. Rated PG-13."
Now, I'll readily admit that sometimes I'm biased enough to let it go. Transformers, for example. But when it starts cropping up EVERYWHERE- the most recent offenders (and by recent I mean the last ten minutes the TV's been on) are "The Eye" and "Vantage Point"- it starts to grate. It's even worse when it's delivered in almost the exact same fashion as any sort of spoofy character in South Park.
I'm not saying it's not a powerful phrase, but when I hear it poorly acted in every trailer in recent memory, it does kind of angry up the blood a bit. Maybe they could mix it up a little with some different expression.
"I'm as surprised as I've ever been!"
"Gee, how unusual!"
I am quite fond of the last one.
"Ten years of not shutting the hell up."
Direct link
Episode 418: An Opening A Speech Wide
I know this has been a problem for years, but I gotta tell you, recently I am very aggravated by movie trailers. Not trailers in general, mind you, but just about every trailer for any sort of action or horror movie. Why?
Read the first line of this rant. Now put it in quotes. That is the answer.
Maybe it's because this is February, and rarely does anything of worth come out this time of year, but it's like every trailer for every movie needs to have that in there. There is a nearly 100% chance that it will be of the main character staring directly at the camera, a look of shock on their face, dramatically lit, and saying it with all the energy of a wounded sloth with a hangover. Either that, or the audio of said shot will be played over some other extremely terrifying/explosion-filled shot. Regardless, it will be entirely out of context. It could be anything, and when I start guessing what they're referring to, it only makes me hate the movie more. For example, I once finished the sentence as such:
DENNIS QUAID: Oh my god... if you put a squirrel and a ferret together, you'd make a squerret. The fiend could make millions on the pet market! We've got to stop him!
DON LAFONTAINE: "Crossbreeder. Rated PG-13."
Now, I'll readily admit that sometimes I'm biased enough to let it go. Transformers, for example. But when it starts cropping up EVERYWHERE- the most recent offenders (and by recent I mean the last ten minutes the TV's been on) are "The Eye" and "Vantage Point"- it starts to grate. It's even worse when it's delivered in almost the exact same fashion as any sort of spoofy character in South Park.
I'm not saying it's not a powerful phrase, but when I hear it poorly acted in every trailer in recent memory, it does kind of angry up the blood a bit. Maybe they could mix it up a little with some different expression.
"I'm as surprised as I've ever been!"
"Gee, how unusual!"
I am quite fond of the last one.
"Ten years of not shutting the hell up."
Direct link
Episode 418: An Opening A Speech Wide

There is a nearly 100% chance that it will be of the main character staring directly at the camera, a look of shock on their face, dramatically lit, and saying it with all the energy of a wounded sloth with a hangover.
hahahaha I love you
(and ditto on the whole shebang... this is why I stopped going to the movies entirely. besides... I <3 piracy)