So here I am at college, right. I'm in a new dorm complex some two miles from the other ones. When I say new, I mean new; it was finished the day before everyone checked in for the year.
This new dorm complex, much like most dorms, has laundry machines. Now, here at SCAD (funny name, yup; look it up) we have ID cards that double as meal plan and debit cards. They're pretty neat. Now, these laundry machines- at least at the other dorms- take SCAD cards, essentially negating the use for quarters. During the last quarter here (before winter break and so on), the SCAD card-laundry machine connection in my dorm did not work. "We'll take care of it," they said. "That's good," I said. I got by.
Just before I came back for this quarter, I got an email saying- huzzah!- the laundry machines were working. I was quite happy, but would not be using them right away, because I would still be quite set for clean clothes for a while. And I was!
But then a couple of weeks ago, I had four loads of laundry. Four! That is quite heavy. It is three in the morning, by the way. I have now loaded four machines full of laundry, and proceed to the SCAD card swiper doohickey. I swipe it.
"Machine 01 not available."
This is what it said all last quarter, when the machines were not working.
I try another machine.
"Machine 03 not available."
Meanwhile, it also says that washers and dryers are available.
I have been lied to. They did not fix the machines. I proceeded to check all the other laundry rooms in the other two buildings in this particular dorm complex, and they are all the same.
FORTUNATELY, I hadn't put detergent on the clothes, so I hauled them all back up to my room. Most of them are still sitting here, because I have yet to obtain any sort of cash or coins.
This is going somewhere, I swear.
A few days ago, a friend of mine, who shall henceforth be referred to as Sidney, because that her name, lent me some quarters. Two loads' worth, specifically! Jubilations!
So, I picked out the clothes that I really needed to be washed, and I picked out a bunch of my whites. I rushed down to the laundry room, functional currency in hand; cleanliness would be mine! I was very excited. I loaded the machines, and left for twenty-seven minutes.
I returned twenty-seven minutes later and sighed quite loudly. A brand new, bright red shirt had snuck its way into my massive pile of white clothes.
A few of these white clothes actually look okay with their new pink hue. I also think that pink clothes can be hilarious. The most tragic loss, however, is a one-of-a-kind shirt that is now tinged pink. Here are some pictures.
Yup, that's right. It's what you think. And I don't want it anymore, because it's pink.
Also I want someone to buy it, because I need money.
Any takers? It's a medium.
"Oh my god..."
P.S. For some reason this browser's built-in spell checker knew the word "doohickey," but not "swiper."
Direct link
Episode 417: You Got: Doom Shot!
This new dorm complex, much like most dorms, has laundry machines. Now, here at SCAD (funny name, yup; look it up) we have ID cards that double as meal plan and debit cards. They're pretty neat. Now, these laundry machines- at least at the other dorms- take SCAD cards, essentially negating the use for quarters. During the last quarter here (before winter break and so on), the SCAD card-laundry machine connection in my dorm did not work. "We'll take care of it," they said. "That's good," I said. I got by.
Just before I came back for this quarter, I got an email saying- huzzah!- the laundry machines were working. I was quite happy, but would not be using them right away, because I would still be quite set for clean clothes for a while. And I was!
But then a couple of weeks ago, I had four loads of laundry. Four! That is quite heavy. It is three in the morning, by the way. I have now loaded four machines full of laundry, and proceed to the SCAD card swiper doohickey. I swipe it.
"Machine 01 not available."
This is what it said all last quarter, when the machines were not working.
I try another machine.
"Machine 03 not available."
Meanwhile, it also says that washers and dryers are available.
I have been lied to. They did not fix the machines. I proceeded to check all the other laundry rooms in the other two buildings in this particular dorm complex, and they are all the same.
FORTUNATELY, I hadn't put detergent on the clothes, so I hauled them all back up to my room. Most of them are still sitting here, because I have yet to obtain any sort of cash or coins.
This is going somewhere, I swear.
A few days ago, a friend of mine, who shall henceforth be referred to as Sidney, because that her name, lent me some quarters. Two loads' worth, specifically! Jubilations!
So, I picked out the clothes that I really needed to be washed, and I picked out a bunch of my whites. I rushed down to the laundry room, functional currency in hand; cleanliness would be mine! I was very excited. I loaded the machines, and left for twenty-seven minutes.
I returned twenty-seven minutes later and sighed quite loudly. A brand new, bright red shirt had snuck its way into my massive pile of white clothes.
A few of these white clothes actually look okay with their new pink hue. I also think that pink clothes can be hilarious. The most tragic loss, however, is a one-of-a-kind shirt that is now tinged pink. Here are some pictures.
Yup, that's right. It's what you think. And I don't want it anymore, because it's pink.
Also I want someone to buy it, because I need money.
Any takers? It's a medium.
"Oh my god..."
P.S. For some reason this browser's built-in spell checker knew the word "doohickey," but not "swiper."
Direct link
Episode 417: You Got: Doom Shot!