thats where i am going sunday
to try and find things like this

for my cool dog

who loves pigs ears

still no carpet (in the photos above you see some, but there is only a small patch in the dining area that didnt get flooded)
i feel like im living like a squatter. im still living out of a suitcase (like nearly 3 weeks later). i HATE living out of a suitcase it makes me feel unsettled, even tho usually most of my clothes are on the ground but still i feel weird not being able to put anything away when i want to.
i threw out my moudly bread. i had been watching it since i came home. it was cool to see the colours it changes to throughout time.
i was going to see capote or match point tonight but it looks like my flatmate might grace me with his presence. i should save my free pass till i am a nigel again. we will probably end up being total geeks and chatting to each other while being seated next to each other. ooooh yeah i lead an exciting life.
im such a nice person. there is this really sweet old lady who just lost her husband and is now living on just one pension and can hardly afford to get her dog clipped. we have had some pretty big price rises at work and she would totally not be able to pay the real price, so i just paid the difference for her. i always do it for the old people. why do i feel so bad for their circumstances when really i cant afford to go round paying the extra for them.
its so bad i have to put a towel down to wipe my feet on before i hop into bed so i dont get crap in my bed. i have even taken to just chucking rubbish on the floor cos i figure whats the use putting it int he bin or anything.
Somewhere between the sacred silence and sleep
Disorder, disorder, disorder
Oh you lucky thing i love the pet and animal expo i have been trying to get work to enter in it i soooo wish i had sunday off.
hahaha oh yeah oh that bloddy jewel miners actually makes me want to play it again now hahahha