so i need an opinion on what to do next... whether its some scam or whether i should follow it thru and see someone locally that knows what they are talking about. warning itas kinda long!
a couple of weeks ago i was looking up starsigns and all that and came across a free psychic reading that was on this site run by a psychic called jenna. i thought hey ill just do this for a bit of fun, i filled out my stuff and sent it off and didnt think anything of it.
so a week or so later i get this email back with my free psychic reading (of course there is a link to do a better one that costs $60) but she says some stuff that like really made sense to me and it was a bit weird.
email 1:
a couple of weeks ago i was looking up starsigns and all that and came across a free psychic reading that was on this site run by a psychic called jenna. i thought hey ill just do this for a bit of fun, i filled out my stuff and sent it off and didnt think anything of it.
so a week or so later i get this email back with my free psychic reading (of course there is a link to do a better one that costs $60) but she says some stuff that like really made sense to me and it was a bit weird.
email 1:
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Hello Reann,
I have just finished your astrological reading and I have some very good news to announce to you. I think I should start by the fact that I experienced an unusually strong premonition that something important will happen to you. I had this premonition the very first time that I received your information on 1 January 2006. Indeed, I must say that despite the thousands of people which I have been able to help throughout the years I have rarely come across a configuration as interesting as yours Reann.
I have checked and double-checked what I have to tell you Reann and this is why I am 100% sure of what I am going to tell you, here is what it is about:
An important event will take place in your future. To be more precise, over the coming months you will live through a very intense period in your life which is set to last 72 days. This period corresponds to an astrological Transit which you will live through and which is going to bring you some very decisive changes in your life at many different levels. This means:
You can expect some very positive changes on a professional level and most particularly as far as your job is concerned. As a matter of fact your astral configuration shows very clearly that during this period of 72 days you will experience one of the most intense moments of your career. Let me be a little more precise, during this period you will have the possibility of making a stunning victory as far as your job is concerned and you will then be able to reach a new and important turning point in your career. Here are the factors which are most apparent:
- At this stage of the analysis is difficult to say exactly what this victory will be however I can say that it seems to be in relation to negocitations you will make abroad or with a foreign company.
- An important element from your past will participate in this victory and this element may consist of an encounter, a proposition or an affair which was made or took place several months ago and it will now represent an important opportunity for your career.
- This professional evolution will help you make lasting changes to the financial side of your life
This is going to be a very active time for you on many different levels but this is even more true for your love-life. You are going to be very surprised Reann because you are going to have some great news which is set to have a lasting impact on your life.
This is all about an encounter, or even a date, which will be just the beginning of a passionate relationship. You don't know this person very well yet but the encounter is certainly set to take place over this period of 72 days. You can't miss out on this encounter because this person could well be your soul-mate and by meeting this person you will reach a new and exciting turning point in your life.
What I am going to tell you Reann appears quite clearly in the analysis of your astral configuration. However, bearing in mind the importance of this event and the opportunities which you can expect it is indispensable that you have all the information you need in order to get the best out of this period. For this you will need a second much more detailed reading. Moreover, Reann, I can guarantee that any competent astrological professional would be able to identify this Transit which I am telling you about (as it appears so clearly in your astral configuration). If you would like me to do this reading for you, simply go to this page which I have put online for you
However I would first like to invite you to continue to read this first analysis as I have other important information to tell you about. Notably, I would very much like to tell you that I am sure and certain about what I have discovered, this configuration is very clear in your skies. I compared the position of the planets over the coming months with the position which they held at the precise moment of your birth (you can find the precise details of my calculations at the end of this letter to you). This is how I discovered so clearly and so evidently the nature of this expectational Transit. From a purely astrological point of view I am now going to tell you what makes this Transit so rare and so special:
On one hand the great Jupiter which symbolises expansion, chance, openings, knowledge, success and justice will be extremely favorable to you during this period and on the other Venus and Mercury will also play a decisive role in your life Reann. As a matter of fact this very favorable configuration will be boosted by the passage of Venus in your natal sign, creating a remarkable tandem with Mars. This Mars-Venus tandem will also play an important role for you Reann. A final important point to note is that Saturn will create a Square with your Sun. In short a gathering of such influential planets is very rare and we can quite easily speak of this year as a golden one. This is certainly one of the most intense years for you and you must get the most out of it. The most intense moment of this year will certainly be this exceptional Transit of 72 days which I spoke to you about at the start of this email. As a matter of fact during this period all of the influences will be at their peak and will even be amplified by other planets which will also traverse your sign.
Moreover, I would like to highlight the fact that as soon as I received your details I felt something very strong about you. Here is what I felt about you Reann:
I know that at the moment you ask yourself many different questions about many different things in your life. You also want to attain the goals you have set yourself and one of your preoccupations at the moment is your love life. You are asking yourself when and where you are going to meet the right man and whether or not this will be the perfect person for you because you often attracted the wrong kind of men. I can also see that older men are often attracted to you and as you search for someone in particular, these types of men do not fit the bill. In fact you are very exigent and I understand this, most notably you have no patience for men who are jealous or who lack confidence. Moreover, just to quickly describe a feeling which came to me while I wrote this, I can see that you still have deep within you (even if you are not always aware of it, it remains hidden inside of you) the memory of an important relationship in your past that did not work out. Concerning these other points, in your relationships with others in general you are sensitive to other people's feelings, often put other people's needs before your own (especially those of friends and family) and you get a great deal of satisfaction out of helping others.
As a matter of fact I have also strongly felt that you have an unusually strong intuition and being in touch with this power may be one of the reason why you are drawn to astrology readings and psychic experiences. As a matter of fact there is a very strong aura around you and an energy that is truly powerful. I am sensing vibrations from you much more intense than those I experience with most clients. I can also see a great deal of qualities within you and notably you have a great deal of latent or unrealized potential. I can also see that you are sometimes frustrated with the fact that others don't always recognize this however I think that the events which are soon set to occur for you are going to change all this.
Let us get back to the significance of this Transit period for you Reann as I want to make it absolutely clear that there is an element you must be wary of. This is the fact that if you sit by and simply wait for this period of 72 to come along there is a very strong chance that you will miss out on this period. As a matter of fact as I told you, you need some extra information (dates, places, events....) which will allow you not to miss out on the opportunities open to you during the Transit. This is why you must do everything that is necessary to get hold of this information.
If I insist so strongly on this point it is because, and here I risk repeating myself, that this period of 72 days is so important that you need to have all the chances on your side to correctly seize the opportunities which are going to have such an impact on your life. I have checked again and again, Reann and this period is marked so clearly in your astral skies that it is sure to be one of the most important periods you have ever lived through. I can also see that no other such Transit will appear in your configuration for a very long time to come.
In conclusion then, you should absolutely contact a professional astrologer to ask for advice about this Transit as you need guidance throughout this great adventure.
As I have already told you it does not matter who helps you with this analysis, and I am not the only competent astrologer. I know of many others who could also help you. Moreover if you wanted to contact a profesional astrologer closer to you then I could help you find a competent one. The only important thing is that you get the advice you really need about this period.
As far as I am concerned, I must mention again that I am also 100% at your disposition and I am fully prepared to give you all of the information that you need. More precisely here is what I am ready to determine for you and give to you.
More precisely, As far as your professional career is concerned. I will tell you:
- why this period will be one of the most favorable moments of your career
- what this victory is and how you can acheive it in your job
- when and how this victory will take place and what it will change for you
- what these 'foreign affairs' are and how they will surface during your Transit period
- how these affairs will affect your work
- what this important element from your past is and why it will be such an important opportunity
- what changes you can expect financially
- How the situation will change your work situation in the average to long term
- what you can generally expect to happen in your job
- what pit-falls you must avoid in the Future
- how your finances will evolve
I will also let you know what will be the impact of this transit on your love life:
- why this period will be so important for you as far as your love-life is concerned
- when this encounter will take place
- where you will meet
- how the date will take place
- how you can recognise the right person
- how you can seduce this individual and start building something good together
- what this person will be like
- if this is really the love of your life
- what kind of future you can expect together
Here is the link again which I gave to you further up where you can ask me to produce this second reading for you. On this page you can also see several testimonials I have received from people I have helped. Simply click on the following link to access this page:
Here is the link:
Also for your information here are the planetary positions at the precise moment of your birth. It is through these calculations that I was able to determine that you are soon going to be entering into a very rare Transit:
These are the planetary positions Reann at the precise moment of your birth, the 1 September 1983:
Sun 15759'54.5342
Moon 7433'40.6082
Mercury 18040'
Venus 14722'54.4496
Mars 13144'29.8116
Jupiter 24244'49.0627
Saturn 21037'47.8807
Uranus 24512'16.1933
Neptune 26628'39.8670
Pluto 20733'
I look forward to hearing from you very soon Reann,
Your friend,
I have just finished your astrological reading and I have some very good news to announce to you. I think I should start by the fact that I experienced an unusually strong premonition that something important will happen to you. I had this premonition the very first time that I received your information on 1 January 2006. Indeed, I must say that despite the thousands of people which I have been able to help throughout the years I have rarely come across a configuration as interesting as yours Reann.
I have checked and double-checked what I have to tell you Reann and this is why I am 100% sure of what I am going to tell you, here is what it is about:
An important event will take place in your future. To be more precise, over the coming months you will live through a very intense period in your life which is set to last 72 days. This period corresponds to an astrological Transit which you will live through and which is going to bring you some very decisive changes in your life at many different levels. This means:
You can expect some very positive changes on a professional level and most particularly as far as your job is concerned. As a matter of fact your astral configuration shows very clearly that during this period of 72 days you will experience one of the most intense moments of your career. Let me be a little more precise, during this period you will have the possibility of making a stunning victory as far as your job is concerned and you will then be able to reach a new and important turning point in your career. Here are the factors which are most apparent:
- At this stage of the analysis is difficult to say exactly what this victory will be however I can say that it seems to be in relation to negocitations you will make abroad or with a foreign company.
- An important element from your past will participate in this victory and this element may consist of an encounter, a proposition or an affair which was made or took place several months ago and it will now represent an important opportunity for your career.
- This professional evolution will help you make lasting changes to the financial side of your life
This is going to be a very active time for you on many different levels but this is even more true for your love-life. You are going to be very surprised Reann because you are going to have some great news which is set to have a lasting impact on your life.
This is all about an encounter, or even a date, which will be just the beginning of a passionate relationship. You don't know this person very well yet but the encounter is certainly set to take place over this period of 72 days. You can't miss out on this encounter because this person could well be your soul-mate and by meeting this person you will reach a new and exciting turning point in your life.
What I am going to tell you Reann appears quite clearly in the analysis of your astral configuration. However, bearing in mind the importance of this event and the opportunities which you can expect it is indispensable that you have all the information you need in order to get the best out of this period. For this you will need a second much more detailed reading. Moreover, Reann, I can guarantee that any competent astrological professional would be able to identify this Transit which I am telling you about (as it appears so clearly in your astral configuration). If you would like me to do this reading for you, simply go to this page which I have put online for you
However I would first like to invite you to continue to read this first analysis as I have other important information to tell you about. Notably, I would very much like to tell you that I am sure and certain about what I have discovered, this configuration is very clear in your skies. I compared the position of the planets over the coming months with the position which they held at the precise moment of your birth (you can find the precise details of my calculations at the end of this letter to you). This is how I discovered so clearly and so evidently the nature of this expectational Transit. From a purely astrological point of view I am now going to tell you what makes this Transit so rare and so special:
On one hand the great Jupiter which symbolises expansion, chance, openings, knowledge, success and justice will be extremely favorable to you during this period and on the other Venus and Mercury will also play a decisive role in your life Reann. As a matter of fact this very favorable configuration will be boosted by the passage of Venus in your natal sign, creating a remarkable tandem with Mars. This Mars-Venus tandem will also play an important role for you Reann. A final important point to note is that Saturn will create a Square with your Sun. In short a gathering of such influential planets is very rare and we can quite easily speak of this year as a golden one. This is certainly one of the most intense years for you and you must get the most out of it. The most intense moment of this year will certainly be this exceptional Transit of 72 days which I spoke to you about at the start of this email. As a matter of fact during this period all of the influences will be at their peak and will even be amplified by other planets which will also traverse your sign.
Moreover, I would like to highlight the fact that as soon as I received your details I felt something very strong about you. Here is what I felt about you Reann:
I know that at the moment you ask yourself many different questions about many different things in your life. You also want to attain the goals you have set yourself and one of your preoccupations at the moment is your love life. You are asking yourself when and where you are going to meet the right man and whether or not this will be the perfect person for you because you often attracted the wrong kind of men. I can also see that older men are often attracted to you and as you search for someone in particular, these types of men do not fit the bill. In fact you are very exigent and I understand this, most notably you have no patience for men who are jealous or who lack confidence. Moreover, just to quickly describe a feeling which came to me while I wrote this, I can see that you still have deep within you (even if you are not always aware of it, it remains hidden inside of you) the memory of an important relationship in your past that did not work out. Concerning these other points, in your relationships with others in general you are sensitive to other people's feelings, often put other people's needs before your own (especially those of friends and family) and you get a great deal of satisfaction out of helping others.
As a matter of fact I have also strongly felt that you have an unusually strong intuition and being in touch with this power may be one of the reason why you are drawn to astrology readings and psychic experiences. As a matter of fact there is a very strong aura around you and an energy that is truly powerful. I am sensing vibrations from you much more intense than those I experience with most clients. I can also see a great deal of qualities within you and notably you have a great deal of latent or unrealized potential. I can also see that you are sometimes frustrated with the fact that others don't always recognize this however I think that the events which are soon set to occur for you are going to change all this.
Let us get back to the significance of this Transit period for you Reann as I want to make it absolutely clear that there is an element you must be wary of. This is the fact that if you sit by and simply wait for this period of 72 to come along there is a very strong chance that you will miss out on this period. As a matter of fact as I told you, you need some extra information (dates, places, events....) which will allow you not to miss out on the opportunities open to you during the Transit. This is why you must do everything that is necessary to get hold of this information.
If I insist so strongly on this point it is because, and here I risk repeating myself, that this period of 72 days is so important that you need to have all the chances on your side to correctly seize the opportunities which are going to have such an impact on your life. I have checked again and again, Reann and this period is marked so clearly in your astral skies that it is sure to be one of the most important periods you have ever lived through. I can also see that no other such Transit will appear in your configuration for a very long time to come.
In conclusion then, you should absolutely contact a professional astrologer to ask for advice about this Transit as you need guidance throughout this great adventure.
As I have already told you it does not matter who helps you with this analysis, and I am not the only competent astrologer. I know of many others who could also help you. Moreover if you wanted to contact a profesional astrologer closer to you then I could help you find a competent one. The only important thing is that you get the advice you really need about this period.
As far as I am concerned, I must mention again that I am also 100% at your disposition and I am fully prepared to give you all of the information that you need. More precisely here is what I am ready to determine for you and give to you.
More precisely, As far as your professional career is concerned. I will tell you:
- why this period will be one of the most favorable moments of your career
- what this victory is and how you can acheive it in your job
- when and how this victory will take place and what it will change for you
- what these 'foreign affairs' are and how they will surface during your Transit period
- how these affairs will affect your work
- what this important element from your past is and why it will be such an important opportunity
- what changes you can expect financially
- How the situation will change your work situation in the average to long term
- what you can generally expect to happen in your job
- what pit-falls you must avoid in the Future
- how your finances will evolve
I will also let you know what will be the impact of this transit on your love life:
- why this period will be so important for you as far as your love-life is concerned
- when this encounter will take place
- where you will meet
- how the date will take place
- how you can recognise the right person
- how you can seduce this individual and start building something good together
- what this person will be like
- if this is really the love of your life
- what kind of future you can expect together
Here is the link again which I gave to you further up where you can ask me to produce this second reading for you. On this page you can also see several testimonials I have received from people I have helped. Simply click on the following link to access this page:
Here is the link:
Also for your information here are the planetary positions at the precise moment of your birth. It is through these calculations that I was able to determine that you are soon going to be entering into a very rare Transit:
These are the planetary positions Reann at the precise moment of your birth, the 1 September 1983:
Sun 15759'54.5342
Moon 7433'40.6082
Mercury 18040'
Venus 14722'54.4496
Mars 13144'29.8116
Jupiter 24244'49.0627
Saturn 21037'47.8807
Uranus 24512'16.1933
Neptune 26628'39.8670
Pluto 20733'
I look forward to hearing from you very soon Reann,
Your friend,
so then im like yeah whatever, sounds kinda full on or whatever
then i get this one
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Hello Reann,
I am recontacting you today because a few days ago (on the 17 January 2006) I sent you the astrological reading which you asked me for and I wanted to be sure that you actually received the email. It was entitled "Hello Reann here is your reading".
Reann, this reading which I have produced for you last week is extremely important as it shows that you will soon be entering into an astrological transit which is going to have an enormous importance for you. To be more precise it seems that you are going to have the possibility to make an important decision concerning your job and meet someone who is going to change your life during this transit which will last 72 days. This is going to be one of the strongest moments of 2005 and I can confirm that you will not live though such an intense astrological transit for a very long time to come.
If I am contacting you again today Reann, it is because I know that if you wait for this period to occur without properly preparing yourself for it and without knowing exactly what you should do and at which moment you should act then you will unfortunately miss out on this valuable opportunity. You need all of the vital information which a full astrological reading can bring you.
Reann, I know that each one of us counts on our own intuition but believe me, in my experience, this is often not enough. As far as you are concerned the Transit which you will soon live through is too important for you to risk missing out on it. As this period now seems to be very close (only a full astrological calculation will be able to determine the exact date of this period) I think it is urgent that you act now. I am entirely at your disposition to furnish you with all of the information which you need. This information will respond to all of your questions concerning the precise moment of this Transit, what you can expect exactly, what you should do to seize all of the chances which this period will bring you, in which places and times you should be in and much, much more...
Here is the page which I have put online for you Reann where you can request this reading from me:
I remain entirely at your disposition,
Your friend,
I am recontacting you today because a few days ago (on the 17 January 2006) I sent you the astrological reading which you asked me for and I wanted to be sure that you actually received the email. It was entitled "Hello Reann here is your reading".
Reann, this reading which I have produced for you last week is extremely important as it shows that you will soon be entering into an astrological transit which is going to have an enormous importance for you. To be more precise it seems that you are going to have the possibility to make an important decision concerning your job and meet someone who is going to change your life during this transit which will last 72 days. This is going to be one of the strongest moments of 2005 and I can confirm that you will not live though such an intense astrological transit for a very long time to come.
If I am contacting you again today Reann, it is because I know that if you wait for this period to occur without properly preparing yourself for it and without knowing exactly what you should do and at which moment you should act then you will unfortunately miss out on this valuable opportunity. You need all of the vital information which a full astrological reading can bring you.
Reann, I know that each one of us counts on our own intuition but believe me, in my experience, this is often not enough. As far as you are concerned the Transit which you will soon live through is too important for you to risk missing out on it. As this period now seems to be very close (only a full astrological calculation will be able to determine the exact date of this period) I think it is urgent that you act now. I am entirely at your disposition to furnish you with all of the information which you need. This information will respond to all of your questions concerning the precise moment of this Transit, what you can expect exactly, what you should do to seize all of the chances which this period will bring you, in which places and times you should be in and much, much more...
Here is the page which I have put online for you Reann where you can request this reading from me:
I remain entirely at your disposition,
Your friend,
so yeah after that one im like ok, maybe i should find like a psychic or someone to talk to for like $20 at a market rather than some internet lady for $60
then i forgot about it and yesterday i got this
email 3
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Hello Reann,
Two days ago I had a new and powerful intuition about you Reann, the same that I had at the precise moment I received your information 3 weeks ago. So I took the initiative yesterday afternoon to do a full Tarot Card reading for you Reann in order to complete the information I saw about you during my initial astrological analysis.
I did this reading using a deck of Marseille Tarot cards and I used a technique which is called a 'safety reading' and is based on the major arcanes. The results were very interesting indeed as they completely confirmed what I discovered about you in my first astrological reading. I even took a photo of this card reading and I create a web page where you can see it Reann and it's interpretation. Here is the link:
I have been doing studies and forecasts for a number of years now and I am still as amazed as ever to see just how accurate, precise and efficient the esoteric sciences can be. As a matter of fact the result of this reading completely confirms the astrological reading which I did for you on the 17 January 2006.It confirms beyond any doubt that you are soon going to be entering into a very favorable period.
Reann, as I indicated in my previous letters only a full and complete reading can determine all of the information and the details you need about this period. I still haven't received any response from you and you have not yet requested this important reading from me but I want you to know that I remain 100% at your disposition. Here is once again the web page where you can request this reading from me:
Your friend,
Hello Reann,
Two days ago I had a new and powerful intuition about you Reann, the same that I had at the precise moment I received your information 3 weeks ago. So I took the initiative yesterday afternoon to do a full Tarot Card reading for you Reann in order to complete the information I saw about you during my initial astrological analysis.
I did this reading using a deck of Marseille Tarot cards and I used a technique which is called a 'safety reading' and is based on the major arcanes. The results were very interesting indeed as they completely confirmed what I discovered about you in my first astrological reading. I even took a photo of this card reading and I create a web page where you can see it Reann and it's interpretation. Here is the link:
I have been doing studies and forecasts for a number of years now and I am still as amazed as ever to see just how accurate, precise and efficient the esoteric sciences can be. As a matter of fact the result of this reading completely confirms the astrological reading which I did for you on the 17 January 2006.It confirms beyond any doubt that you are soon going to be entering into a very favorable period.
Reann, as I indicated in my previous letters only a full and complete reading can determine all of the information and the details you need about this period. I still haven't received any response from you and you have not yet requested this important reading from me but I want you to know that I remain 100% at your disposition. Here is once again the web page where you can request this reading from me:
Your friend,
so anyway i was like woah.
her tarot thing came up with 3 cards
The Chariot
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
The number 7 on the card represents the 7 colours of the rainbow, this is a succesful number and also represents material gain. This card is very revealing about your professional future Reann. The number is odd not even and seems to associates action with triumph. The name of the Chariot indicates a physical vehicule and a movement, a direction which has been selected and taken. This marks the start of a move towards somethinf different and new. The Chariot represents continuous movement and a journey towards a new place and also suggests victory and sucess. The person which is shown on this card (this is an asexual being Reann and in fact represents you) wears a golden crown and this symbolizes richness, power and triumph. This card shows pure sucess. The person's face is radiant and happy with himself and self-confident, this is one of the most fortunate cards of the whole Tarot deck. This figure is ardent and follows his burning ambitions with joy and I read clearly that a new challenge will soon be available to you Reann, through the notion of races which does seem to be associated with this card. The driver does not seem to directly control his steeds, he holds no reins yet the horses obey him and he seems to completely control his destiny and all the elements which are associated with this destiny. You will soon experience a similar feeling Reann and it is important to note that this person has already triumphed and is at the very height of his sucess (in your case this sucess will occur professionally). We can also see that he is not really enclosed in his vehicule, the sides of his Chariot are open and the roof which protects him from the Sun can be easily lifted to allow him to leave whenever he likes and in just the same way Reann, you will not be constrained by your enterprises and you will be able to leave at which ever moment seems best to you. The Chariot announces the incessant activty which this card foresees. The figure is part of his activity and lives the moment with pure passion and joy yet he is in full control of the situation, of it's direction and of it's events. The roof is light, it can easily be thrown off and the Chariots sides offer no real boundary for the figure who incidently seems to be passive and content however the Chariots furious movement means he has little time for reflexion he must simply react and win. This is a very spontaneous card and reveals many important secrets. The Chariot also represents movement and travel and these journeys will be very obviously sucessful and beneficial. Finally let me say that the horses are lifting their hooves as if they were trotting and even though each horse appears to look take a different direction their eyes are fixed on the same place as the drivers as they race of the green grass which is a symbol of hope and fortune. The soil on this card is fertile and looks ready to offer ripe fruits, the card clearly promises satisfaction and riches. This is a very favorable card Reann.
The Bateleur
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Now here is a very revealing card as far as you are concerned Reann. As a matter of fact an enormous number of things about this card are very interesting and indicate not only who you have been and how you have acted but also how things are going to turn out in the Future. First of all, this card shows a hatted man standing firmly upright on his own two feet. He is in movement and is manipulating certain elements in front of him with dexterity. He is active and dynamic. These initial traits are very revealing about the person you are thinking about at the moment.
The number 1 on the card represents what cannot be divided and indicates union and unity, it is the perfect symbiosis which will occur between you and this special person and suggests that your union will be very close and long lasting. The figure 1 is also active and creative and also represents the beginning of things. This card confirms what I have already felt about you Reann, that you will soon begin a new relationship with this person you have in mind. The figure on the card can also be considered an apprentice and as this figure is a learning phase the card represents the start of something new, important and exciting. Let's look at this card a little more closely Reann because there are a few more details which speak about you directly. The Bateleur has a seductive face and seems harmonious and well-balanced. He is weighing up his descision and seems ready to make an important choice before acting. This card represents the person who you have in mind at the moment and I can even add that you should act in the same considered, careful way in order to seduce this person because this individual is almost certainly someone who is very analytical and observative. On the table, the Cup is a feminine symbol and represents imagination and love. The Knife brings audacity and passion. The holster signifies choice and the liberty of to use the Knife or not and I can tell you now that this card has a very strong notion of action - you must react in a certain manner to seduce the person who you have in mind at this time. There is no doubt about what I read, love is soon to blossom in your life Reann. The figure on the card also has a round object in his hand and this object represents money and so I can also see that this new period in your life will also be touched by important developments in your financial situation. I have already spoken to you about this and the card reading confirms what I have noticed about you.
The man on the card has taken all of the objects out of his bag and is thus someone who has the necessary tools to convince other people and to observe their reactions. He seems to be joyous and likes his life. The table is solid, well-made and it has clearly been constructed by an expert, someone who wanted to make something long-lasting and beautiful. The table, with it's form and structure, represents your relationship - something solid and lasting. Finally, just under the man's feet there is a small growing plant which clearly indicates birth, the springtime and freshness. The card confirms that you wish to start something new, exciting and long-lasting with this person you want to get so close to.
The number 1 on the card represents what cannot be divided and indicates union and unity, it is the perfect symbiosis which will occur between you and this special person and suggests that your union will be very close and long lasting. The figure 1 is also active and creative and also represents the beginning of things. This card confirms what I have already felt about you Reann, that you will soon begin a new relationship with this person you have in mind. The figure on the card can also be considered an apprentice and as this figure is a learning phase the card represents the start of something new, important and exciting. Let's look at this card a little more closely Reann because there are a few more details which speak about you directly. The Bateleur has a seductive face and seems harmonious and well-balanced. He is weighing up his descision and seems ready to make an important choice before acting. This card represents the person who you have in mind at the moment and I can even add that you should act in the same considered, careful way in order to seduce this person because this individual is almost certainly someone who is very analytical and observative. On the table, the Cup is a feminine symbol and represents imagination and love. The Knife brings audacity and passion. The holster signifies choice and the liberty of to use the Knife or not and I can tell you now that this card has a very strong notion of action - you must react in a certain manner to seduce the person who you have in mind at this time. There is no doubt about what I read, love is soon to blossom in your life Reann. The figure on the card also has a round object in his hand and this object represents money and so I can also see that this new period in your life will also be touched by important developments in your financial situation. I have already spoken to you about this and the card reading confirms what I have noticed about you.
The man on the card has taken all of the objects out of his bag and is thus someone who has the necessary tools to convince other people and to observe their reactions. He seems to be joyous and likes his life. The table is solid, well-made and it has clearly been constructed by an expert, someone who wanted to make something long-lasting and beautiful. The table, with it's form and structure, represents your relationship - something solid and lasting. Finally, just under the man's feet there is a small growing plant which clearly indicates birth, the springtime and freshness. The card confirms that you wish to start something new, exciting and long-lasting with this person you want to get so close to.
and the Lover
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
This card speaks very clearly about physical love and is so self-evident that I will only speak about it briefly. The card implies encounters and relationships and it's ruling planet is quite obviously Venus. I feel a lot of intensity in this card which underlined by the rays surrounding the cherub and the rays bring very intense vibrations. The two figures on the card are touching each other and in this we can read that the card favors the circulation and sharing of energy and power. The cherub, or the archer as he is otherwise known, springs forth from the cloud and represents the spark of inspiration and brilliance and the notion of good fortune is very strong. The cherub flies towards the mythical Love and is turned to the right, showing that he is orientated towards the Future. The relationship this card speaks of will be strong and stable and will last for a long time. The figure is also surrounded by colored rays which seem to give him extra light and an even more intense vibration. A lot of force, love and intensity comes out of this card and quite clearly brings you some very good news Reann as far as your love-life is concerned.
how weird is that!
i am going to email her back and say thanks for all her work for me but unfortunately i cant afford $60 atm.
do you think its a bunch of crap?
or should i follow this thru and talk to someone spiritual about it?
it just seems like a guess of probabilities to me.