so today was the junior at works last day. she is moving onto bigger and better things after working with us saturday regulars for over 2 years. we got her a poodle phone charm, a mug with lots of dogs on it and a drink coaster with a husky on it (her least least favourite breed) and we had apple crumble cheesecake mmm. it was pretty sad. she also gave me this letter
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
dear reann,
well where do I start? I've been putting off writing these letters cause I dont want to say goodbye. Reann your awesome. You've enlightened me every weekend! You're so fun to be around! You've also made me enjoy my school days... I've taken on board all you've taught me, told me or showed me. I was scared of you when I first started. It wasnt too long till I realised your my ideal sister. You showed me how to hang washing out properly and showed me many times how to do anal glands =). I know we'll still talk and see each other but man i am going to miss you!
Thank you for everything, love you and rock on reshizzle, love sophx
im gunna miss the soph
aawww so sweet