Turned in my last project Tuesday. All I have to do now is finish my student teaching and the portfolio that goes along with it - 4 weeks to get everything done!! Advisor says I should be able to graduate on schedule (Jan) which is great because that means that I will be able to keep my job!! YEA!!! biggrin

In other news, I work with...
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My brother lived in Joshua Tree and Lorelei was already staying out there anyway, so it all kind of came together!

I'm glad you liked it, of course...I hope you have a good weekend, too!
thanks doll, i do what i can!
Finally - no more rain!!! 8 days and several inches later we begin to dry out! Get out of the house and have some fun! biggrin
Missed SG burlesque this weekend - wish I could have made it. Had to work on projects for school - still have about 10 hours on one project and lesson planning for student teaching. Lots to do...

Update more later!

Oh yea - carved pumpkins and made scarecrows this weekend - toasted pumpkin seeds, too! biggrin
thanks for the comment on my set luv. kiss
So I go to a friends bachelor party last weekend (I've know the guy since he was 10). I wasn't invited to the wedding, but that's okay - he doesn't make much money, neither does his fiance. Yesterday I get a wedding invitation - it's in two weeks. My wife says we shouldn't go. I was okay with no invite, but now feel obligated to...
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Thanks muchly for the compliment (in the smut group)!

Hmmm, maybe you should just go to the wedding (not the reception)? That's quick...
Yeah, I agree with 4stel. I think you should just go to the wedding. that's not so much of a commitment. Although you shouldn't feel obligated to go anyway, because it was such late notice...

I'm great, thanks for asking. I got custody of the cat so I'm super stoked. miao!!
Oh it's a good day, indeed! It's Friday, and I see 3 of my favorite SG's up!! biggrin Made my day!

Otherwise, my life is turning into a living hell.... Too much to do in not enough time with a sick child, and month-long illness myself. Oh well. Gotta pull up those ol' boot-straps and get down to business this weekend.
As I read the responses to signs in people's info bar, I alwasy think of the ones painted in the road that are supposed to be read like this: "Slow, Children ahead" but without the comma, it could be read like this: "Slow Children Ahead" I always thought of that as funny - telling drivers that there were children who were "slow", as in slow...
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I bought the chicken bacon and cheese stuffed pasta and put some sauce on it with brocoli, sun dried tomatos, garlic and grilled chicken breast that i cooked with some roasted garlic and red pepper seasoning.
ranger rick was my fave mag when i was little!

thanks for the comment! kiss
I thknk I've enterd into the first stage of hell. I will be going out of my mind to finfish my last class and do student teaching, and figure out these new books that I have to teach from. I SO cannot wait until December!! (Actually, I think I shoudl be done by Thanksgiving!)
y thank u!!! smile

Can somebody please tell me what the difference between what happened on Spet. 11, 2001 and what happened Aug. 29, 2005? Wht does it seem that while both a tragedies of epic proportion for this country, they will be treated so differently 5 years from now. Will there be a rememberance ceremony for those who died in NewOrleans and other gulf communities? (Please note that...
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No! I missed that. I'll make a point to look for that tonight. No doubt the D. Mac / TO controversy will be all over tonights game.
Baited by a second string CB. Crummy trade off, eh? mad
Back to work, back to school.... not too bad. Saved myself about $45 on books because I bought them 3 years ago while I was taking classes at Rowan. Now I have to take the same class over again, even though I got an A at Rowan puke . Just don't get it...

Added a couple of pics let me know what you think (Philly and...
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Thanks for the welcome. blush
I really cannot fathom the situation in Mississippi and Louisiana... I keep seeing the news and reading the reports, and am unable to grasp how insane life is for those folks... I do not know which is worse - the "slow" response for aid and law enforcement from the government, or the lawlessness because people feel that it is OK... Perhaps I simply don't understand,...
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Thank you! kiss