As I read the responses to signs in people's info bar, I alwasy think of the ones painted in the road that are supposed to be read like this: "Slow, Children ahead" but without the comma, it could be read like this: "Slow Children Ahead" I always thought of that as funny - telling drivers that there were children who were "slow", as in slow moving, or as in slow to learn. I also should start posting the religious signs that get nailed on trees telling about the coming of God or Jesus, or of some other religious thought designed to make us thkn that by driving and seeing the sign we shall repent all sins and go right to church, changing our ways. I was thinking of photographng those and making a photo book out of them. So, if you happen to read this, and can send me some, with their locations, I'd love it. Perhaps I will change my profile pic to one of those signs.

I bought the chicken bacon and cheese stuffed pasta and put some sauce on it with brocoli, sun dried tomatos, garlic and grilled chicken breast that i cooked with some roasted garlic and red pepper seasoning.
thanks for the comment!