So I picked up my car from the shop - again. I've dropped like $2K in this thing in the past 4 months. Ughh
Just don't know what to do with it - not worth much to sell or trade in, and can't afford more payments (already making payments on another car) but need reliable transportation. Think we're gonna buy my sister-in-law's car, then maybe trade in two for an SUV (need something big enough to drive a wheelchair around and don't really want a van)
Been getting the itch to go backpacking - it's a real bad itch this year - like I might just go for a weekend, leaving my wife and son home alone. Just feel a need to get away from all the crappy stress I feel right now. I'll probably be able to do it, just have to plan it out and fix my stove. (reminds me to look for filter cartridges, too). Want to go to the new REI store, but will spend money I don't have. Desire - it's a bitch!
Still gotta figure out how to reduce the size of my pics so that I can start posting some more of them - wish I had my camera with me this week - would have been interesting to take some pics of the forest fire in south jersey - I drive past that section of woods every day. Hope to get to walk throgh the area after they figure out the cause and have someone in mind if they think it was arson or a tossed cigarette. (my guess it was the latter - careless smokers
) But it's an interesting thing to do - walking through an area that was covered by briars an inaccessible, but because of the fire, you can now walk through anything - especially along the animal trails.

Been getting the itch to go backpacking - it's a real bad itch this year - like I might just go for a weekend, leaving my wife and son home alone. Just feel a need to get away from all the crappy stress I feel right now. I'll probably be able to do it, just have to plan it out and fix my stove. (reminds me to look for filter cartridges, too). Want to go to the new REI store, but will spend money I don't have. Desire - it's a bitch!
Still gotta figure out how to reduce the size of my pics so that I can start posting some more of them - wish I had my camera with me this week - would have been interesting to take some pics of the forest fire in south jersey - I drive past that section of woods every day. Hope to get to walk throgh the area after they figure out the cause and have someone in mind if they think it was arson or a tossed cigarette. (my guess it was the latter - careless smokers