Life is good!!
For no real particular reason other than I just feel the need to be positive for a change. Too much about my life has been negative recently, that I noticed it in my journal. That's just not really me - I hate it when I get like that - sorry all.
got some pics of the snow before the sun came out today - gonna try to get them in here to share.
Had to work today, afterall - couldn't make stuff with son - perhaps tomorrow.... it'd make him VERY happy, so I should try to do that.
New classes start next week, just finished a project for my last class - way too much work than I expected - but it's done (maybe that's why i felel good?)
Want to begin planning some camping trips fo rthe summer - need to find out what my schedule for the summer will be. Gotta look for a new job - getting resume together is a pain in the ass, but I just have to update it - thank you computer gods!!! Can you imagine doing it on a typewriter?????
alright - gotta go to bed - getting donuts for my wife for her meetings tomorrow - gotta meet the dunkin donuts guy early
For no real particular reason other than I just feel the need to be positive for a change. Too much about my life has been negative recently, that I noticed it in my journal. That's just not really me - I hate it when I get like that - sorry all.
got some pics of the snow before the sun came out today - gonna try to get them in here to share.
Had to work today, afterall - couldn't make stuff with son - perhaps tomorrow.... it'd make him VERY happy, so I should try to do that.
New classes start next week, just finished a project for my last class - way too much work than I expected - but it's done (maybe that's why i felel good?)

Want to begin planning some camping trips fo rthe summer - need to find out what my schedule for the summer will be. Gotta look for a new job - getting resume together is a pain in the ass, but I just have to update it - thank you computer gods!!! Can you imagine doing it on a typewriter?????

alright - gotta go to bed - getting donuts for my wife for her meetings tomorrow - gotta meet the dunkin donuts guy early
ahhhh, camping. I haven't been camping in over 3 yrs. (i am not counting burning man which is kind of like camping) I am tempted to drag my tent and some supplies to yosemite regardlless of the snow.
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