Oh - gotta share this with someone!
So my Dad shows up this morning with 10 min notice (he called, but damn!) While we are chatting away and he is playing with my son, he starts into wanting to sell his mother's house that he and she live in, and moving to VA. I knew this was on his mind - so no big surprise. The fact that my grandmother is considering moving to VA with him is something else - so Bomb #1 dropped with little effect.
Bomb #2 comes in - but first et me share this little fact - he's still married to his third wife, but separated for several years - no$ for divorce.
OK so Bomb #2 - "I'm kinda seeing someone." this while playing a game with my 5yr old
me: "Oh. How did you meet her?"
Him: "Over the internet. She's from Nigeria."
Me: stunned silence from both my wife and myself
Him: "Well actually she's from South Africa but now she's in Nigeria."
Me: "Oh.... that's interesting" now also know that he has been hitting on my mother for the past 5 years but seriously for the past year
Him: "She'll be coming over in the next few weeks to live with us, as soon as I give the go-ahead"
Me: "What does Grandmom think?"
Him: I showed her a picture and she said "Oh". She doesn't know that she's going to come live here.
And thus began my birthday morning.
Now don't think that I have a problem with this, much. More over his insane relationships and lack of responsibility for things.
All I do is shake my head.
I think that my wife is waiting for me to go on a killing spree.
I need to hide...
So my Dad shows up this morning with 10 min notice (he called, but damn!) While we are chatting away and he is playing with my son, he starts into wanting to sell his mother's house that he and she live in, and moving to VA. I knew this was on his mind - so no big surprise. The fact that my grandmother is considering moving to VA with him is something else - so Bomb #1 dropped with little effect.
Bomb #2 comes in - but first et me share this little fact - he's still married to his third wife, but separated for several years - no$ for divorce.
OK so Bomb #2 - "I'm kinda seeing someone." this while playing a game with my 5yr old
me: "Oh. How did you meet her?"
Him: "Over the internet. She's from Nigeria."
Me: stunned silence from both my wife and myself
Him: "Well actually she's from South Africa but now she's in Nigeria."
Me: "Oh.... that's interesting" now also know that he has been hitting on my mother for the past 5 years but seriously for the past year
Him: "She'll be coming over in the next few weeks to live with us, as soon as I give the go-ahead"
Me: "What does Grandmom think?"
Him: I showed her a picture and she said "Oh". She doesn't know that she's going to come live here.
And thus began my birthday morning.
Now don't think that I have a problem with this, much. More over his insane relationships and lack of responsibility for things.
All I do is shake my head.
I think that my wife is waiting for me to go on a killing spree.