In-laws left for the south yesterday- good vibes on their trip. Won't see them until Nov. when we go down to Disney for my son's first trip there.
My wife is off tomorrow morn for Texas - she's going down to visit an old friend who is pretty sick with Leukemia. She's scared to death to get onto a plane - it was bad before Sept 11, but now it is nearly impossible. Can you say heavily medicated??? I get to drive her to Philly at 3 AM for a 6AM flight. Not looking forward to that.
Loving the beautiful weather - went canoeing, golfing, and made trips to the farm for FRESH produce. Time to begin making the house more ours than my in-laws'.
Oh yea - got elected to the Board of Directors of an institution that I have been involved with for many years (since I was a child). Very Exciting!!
Oh yea - the other night was so crazy - lightning coming from the Philly direction, and a nearly full-reddish moon to the East, after the sun had set! It was really wild - was sorry that I did not have my camera.
Off to enjoy more nice weather!
My wife is off tomorrow morn for Texas - she's going down to visit an old friend who is pretty sick with Leukemia. She's scared to death to get onto a plane - it was bad before Sept 11, but now it is nearly impossible. Can you say heavily medicated??? I get to drive her to Philly at 3 AM for a 6AM flight. Not looking forward to that.
Loving the beautiful weather - went canoeing, golfing, and made trips to the farm for FRESH produce. Time to begin making the house more ours than my in-laws'.
Oh yea - got elected to the Board of Directors of an institution that I have been involved with for many years (since I was a child). Very Exciting!!

Oh yea - the other night was so crazy - lightning coming from the Philly direction, and a nearly full-reddish moon to the East, after the sun had set! It was really wild - was sorry that I did not have my camera.
Off to enjoy more nice weather!
No campground this time around. My parents live within a reasonable drive, so I'll be staying at their house and taking advantage of their hottub.

thanks for your sweet comment on my set