Found a buyer!!! However -, we need to be out of the house by the 12th of June. Need to pack shit out, fast!!
On another note, go vote for Alexis. She entered into WMMR's contest for Philly's hottest Tattooed Girl. Vote for Alexis
You will need to register to vote, but they really don't harass you. She can win $1000 in cash and prizes from a local Jewler, plus ink from a local tattoo artist and a photo shoot (I think).
On another note, go vote for Alexis. She entered into WMMR's contest for Philly's hottest Tattooed Girl. Vote for Alexis
You will need to register to vote, but they really don't harass you. She can win $1000 in cash and prizes from a local Jewler, plus ink from a local tattoo artist and a photo shoot (I think).
thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my set.

Cute comment about my befriending of the SGs. . .
Glad to hear that you found a buyer. Congrats!