Made it through my portfolio review - Advisor said "Congrats!" Then got my cap and gown yesterday - it's for real - I'm graduating!! Now to get all of the paperwork for my certification through - what a pain in the ass this process is thus far. But I can get through it.
I was all prepared to rant about something earlier today, but I've since forgotten about it.

Made it through my portfolio review - Advisor said "Congrats!" Then got my cap and gown yesterday - it's for real - I'm graduating!! Now to get all of the paperwork for my certification through - what a pain in the ass this process is thus far. But I can get through it.
I was all prepared to rant about something earlier today, but I've since forgotten about it.

Super news, rejoice!
btw - EAGle, ah screw it.
I'll most likely have an interview with the firm next week.
So I wait eagerly