1. My health. Since 4 or 5 months I was feeling a pain in the left side of my chest and I thought it was tachycardia and also my ribs were popping out of my chest so I went to the doctor and he find out that my heart was fine...the problem is in my back!!! I have scoliosis..which means that my spine looks like this > S hehehe...naaa it's not that bad but definitely I have to make special exercise and swimming for the rest of my days hehe

2. Work Stuff. No, I don't have any complains this time...I'm just very surprised of finding out that the company for who I work is in fact famous!!!

3. Music. The amazing band Clinic presented their new video "Bubblegum"...and it's AMAZING!!!!...It sounds different from their previous work (for me, of course) and I can't wait to have the album on my hands!!!
5. Crazy dreams. The context it's not relevant...the point here is that..in some part of my dream it was raining and I felt cold and I took a hoodie, but (I don't know why) it was full of moss or mold..whatever.. and I got sad..and then I said: Wait, this is my dream, and if I want this moss to disappear, it will disappear!!!..and of course, it disappeared. When I woke up I remember the movie "The Inception"...and that's very crazy..because if I could control my dreams and make the perfect one..I wouldn't wake up to the reality ever again...ok, enough..too much rambling
6.Pretty Girl. Last but not least...Lovely Feyne posted back on my blog...and..yep, I'm still on the clouds because of that
This blog was inspired by:
Clinic - Bubblegum, Gideon, Thank you (For Living)
The Magic Numbers - The Magic Numbers Album, Those the brokes Album
The Inception
Moss...or mold in my hoodies