Let's recap shall we:
I have just come to the realization my girlfriend/ex/whatever the hell we were will never be as good to me as I am to her. She is a selfish unappreciative bitch and could care less about it. Fuck her.
Also lost one of my jobs, my bread and butter gig as they say... in part because of her. Guess what her kind response to that was? That was your choice. Fuck off!
She's right though it was my choice to leave work for a week to take care of her after surgery because she needed me and she has nobody else (gee wonder why) so I guess we can put one in the win category for her after all. Again FUCK HER.
I have half a mind to tell the guy she cheated on me with that there never was a baby with him or anybody.
Good poll question. Should I tell him? On the one hand I don't want to stoop to her level but on the other I hate her and I want her to feel what I feel, what she has made me feel. Plus dude does have a right to know I guess no? Or is that just me talking myself into it?
I just don't understand how I could have been so blind and stupid.
I feel your (financial anyway) pain. I still don't have a job. Flat broke. My SG account is up in a week or so, and I'm not going to renew it.