welp..first time i've updated in *looks at watch* approximately for-buttfucking-ever. nothing changes much around here, including the fact that i don't have very many opportunities to get on the site and update. i miss all of you (well..most of you) a whole lot and hope you're all doing well. i am doing all right, i suppose, but i do stay pretty bored.
on a whim i stopped by a certain place of business in fayetteville today and was surprised to find DarthLunchbox tending to his work. we chatted for a while, reminiscing about friends and events, most notably the SGNC zoo trip last may. ahh, those were the days.
anyway, i know it may be a bit anticlimatic, but that's all i have to share. you're all still more than welcome to text, call, prank call, or do anything else of a similar fashion to me (or my phone) at 803 571 1173. without hearing from people that way, i often don't get in touch at all, which makes me sad
call me!
love to every single one of you (even YOU *points*),
on a whim i stopped by a certain place of business in fayetteville today and was surprised to find DarthLunchbox tending to his work. we chatted for a while, reminiscing about friends and events, most notably the SGNC zoo trip last may. ahh, those were the days.
anyway, i know it may be a bit anticlimatic, but that's all i have to share. you're all still more than welcome to text, call, prank call, or do anything else of a similar fashion to me (or my phone) at 803 571 1173. without hearing from people that way, i often don't get in touch at all, which makes me sad

love to every single one of you (even YOU *points*),
I apologize for not calling you, good sir, but I have been all but living at work for the past few weeks. The karaoke thing was the first time in about a month that I was able to go and do something fun. Ugh.
Hopefully things will calm down soon, and then I shall call you.