i'm so fn desperate to get out of my grandmother's house. it's maddening. i've been going over roommates.com trying to find someone who needs a roomie, hoping someone will call me rather than emailing me back (given my limited access to the net at this point). so we'll see what happens.
work is still ok, though i do still hate one of my 'bosses.' oh, and i was implicitly accused of stealing money from the store's registers the other day. that, or they're just telling me i'm an idiot who can't count money. either way, the store manager got together with me and is supposedly meeting with the other people who used those registers the day they were short to try and eliminate whoever from fault. if i'm not cleared, i will be put on a form of probation, during which if any drawer that i use is more than $2 off from what it should be, i could be terminated. exciting, right?
it's truly amazing how life can pick you up so high and then smack you right back down so soon afterwards.
work is still ok, though i do still hate one of my 'bosses.' oh, and i was implicitly accused of stealing money from the store's registers the other day. that, or they're just telling me i'm an idiot who can't count money. either way, the store manager got together with me and is supposedly meeting with the other people who used those registers the day they were short to try and eliminate whoever from fault. if i'm not cleared, i will be put on a form of probation, during which if any drawer that i use is more than $2 off from what it should be, i could be terminated. exciting, right?
it's truly amazing how life can pick you up so high and then smack you right back down so soon afterwards.
Applied to SGSC (In case you don't check it often) 

I applied to SGSC...I don't live there but I will be moving there in Feb/March 2006...I also grew up in GA which is pretty close. Just figured I'd let you know why I applied.